Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Two Sig Runes

The Sig Rune also known as the Siegel rune, is an ancient symbol which symbolize the God of Victory, a name of Odin.
Sig is the name given by Guido von List for the Sigel or s rune of the Armanen Futharkh.
Walter Heck, a Sturmführer in the SS, drew 1931 two reversed and inverted Sig Runes side by side and it became the most common and widely recognizable SS unit sign.

While the rune itself has no direct connection to National-Socialism, the Sig rune was used in the context of Nazi mysticism and is most commonly used to refer to the insignia of the Schutzstaffel (SS) of the Third Reich.
The Hitler Youth also used a single Sig Rune as the emblem of its organizaton.
Today this symbol is still being frequently used by neo-Nazis.

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