Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tughra Inayati

Universal Sufism is a spiritual and universalist movement founded by Hazrat Inayat Khan in the early 20th century. The philosophy of Universal Sufism is based on unity of all people and religions.
The symbol of Universal Sufism is the 'Tughra Inayati' or The 'Winged Heart.'
The dervish Hafizullah created this beautiful winged-heart calligraphy in honor of Inayat Khan. The winged heart is an old Sufi symbol, and was chosen by Inayat Khan as the seal of the 'Sufi Order of the West' at its founding in 1910.
The shape of the tughra symbolises that the heart desires heaven.
The crescent in the heart suggests the responsiveness and potential of the heart.
The crescent represents the responsiveness of the crescent moon to the light of the sun, for naturally it receives the light and develops into a full moon.

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