Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rapture 2011 – End of the World May 21st? Doesn’t seem so!

Radio evangelist Harold Camping has predicted that today, May 21st, will be the end of the world. This day has become known as Rapture. The world was predicted to end at 6PM. However this time has been and gone, so it appears the Camping’s prediction was just mere scaremongering.
Today according to Camping is the anniversary of the mass flood in which Noah built his ark in the Bible story. Camping’s claims even appeared to have developed some legitimacy, as many people purchased emergency kits and stocked up of food in case the worst happened. However, as I am writing this now, it seems we have survived at Camping was wrong.
Camping it appears was merely trying to raise his public profile, and encourage more people to listen to his radio show. What it in fact has shown is that he is a complete loony, preying on the innocent. I am sure there were people who did truly believe his so called “prophecies”, and Camping has exploited their vulnerability. He is a mere con artist.
This is just another apocalypse prediction that are occurring at more regular intervals in recent years. It must be a traumatic time for those who do in fact believe them. Personally I would rather not be made aware if the end of the world was nye. It would be a fairly depressing few days before hand!
We can now look forward to the Mayan predicted end of the world on December 21 2012. So it appears we have a year and a half left to live. Oh well, must make the best of ourselves then!
If you found out the world was about to end, what would you do?

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