Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pink Objects to Pink Horses in Selena Gomez's Music Video

It may be her signature color, but Pink is upset about horses being painted pink for the sake of a music video. 

"If there are any animal activists around Malibu – at Leo Cabrillo State Beach, there are horses being painted for a stupid music video. Shame," Pink said on her Twitter page on Thursday.

Turns out the painted horses were being used in Selena Gomez's latest video.

"Artists should be more aware and responsible for their actions," Pink later tweeted.

But Gomez's rep says the horses were not in any danger.   

"It was important to the Production Company, Record Label and Ms. Gomez that no animals were harmed and all proper precautions were taken," Gomez's rep said in a statement to PEOPLE. "A non toxic, vegetable based powder paint was applied via an airbrush and removed with water. An official from the Humane Society was on set supervising."  

Selena Gomez sits down for an interview at VEVO HQ. © 2011 Hollywood 

Shaquille O’Neal’s girlfriend schools him on sleep apnea

Apparently Shaquille O'Neal(notes) snores. We probably could have guessed that. But who knew that snoring would be a danger to the big man's health?
Anyone who's ever been hit (or, as they call it, "lightly nudged") by their better half in the middle of the night knows that snoring can be pretty frustrating for the person who isn't the actual snorer. And anyone who's ever done the hitting (I don't "lightly nudge," dangit, because I've got sleep to catch on) can tell you that it is about as high on the annoyance list as annoyances get.
But most tend to get over it, as their pretty little bird tweets away deep into dreamland. That said, not everyone has to share chambers with Shaquille O'Neal, all 7-1 and 300-pound whatever of him. If your better half sounds like a hummingbird, then this guy has to come off like a full blown diesel semi-engine.
That's why his girlfriend, TV's (they tell me) Nikki "Hoopz" Alexander, asked him to take part in a sleep apnea study sponsored by Harvard University. Because, jokes aside, it must be more than a little scary when those snores briefly turn into outright silence, which apparently has happened to Shaq a few times recently.

Provided he's in a good mood, and isn't being petty, is Shaq ever not funny?
The consequences of sleep apnea, as described by the litany of doctors early in this video, is pretty frightening. So if the little bird next to you sounds like he or she is suffering from the same condition, get them hooked up to a "poly-what?" (as Shaq puts it) as soon as you can.
Sweet dreams, Shaquille.

When Doomsday Isn't, Believers Struggle to Cope

If you're reading this, Harold Camping's predictions that the end of the world would start Saturday (May 21) failed to pan out.
That's good news for most of us, but Camping and his followers were looking forward to the end. After all, they believed that they were likely to be among the 200 million souls sent to live in paradise forever. So how do believers cope when their doomsday predictions fail?
It depends, said Lorenzo DiTommaso, a professor of religion at Concordia University in Montreal who studies the history of doomsday predictions.
"If you have a strong leader, the group survives," DiTommaso told LiveScience. "Sometimes the group falls apart. Most often, the answer given by the group is that the prophecy is true, but the interpretation was wrong." [Read: Why People Look Forward to the End]
In 1994, Camping predicted a September doomsday, but hedged his bets with a question mark. On his website (, Camping wrote that he had misunderstood a key biblical passage, but since that time, biblical evidence for a 2011 end had "greatly solidified."
Doomsdays without doom
The classic study of "doomsdays gone bad" took place in 1954. A Chicago woman named Dorothy Martin predicted a cataclysmic flood from which a few true believers would be saved by aliens. Martin and her cult, The Seekers, gathered the night before the expected flood to await the flying saucer. Unbeknown to them, however, their group had been infiltrated by psychologist Leon Festinger, who hoped to find out what happens when the rug of people's beliefs is pulled out from under them.
Festinger's study, which became the basis of the book "When Prophecy Fails" (Harper-Torchbooks 1956), revealed that as the appointed time passed with no alien visitors, the group sat stunned. But a few hours before dawn, Martin suddenly received a new prophecy, stating that The Seekers had been so devout that God had called off the apocalypse. At that, the group rejoiced — and started calling newspapers to boast of what they'd done. Eventually, the group fell apart. Martin later changed her name to "Sister Thedra" and continued her prophecies.
Other failed doomsday prophets have struggled to keep their followers in line. One self-proclaimed prophet, Mariana Andrada (later known as Mariana La Loca), preached to a gang of followers in the 1880s in the San Joaquin Valley of California, predicting doomsday by 1886. But Andrada was not consistent with her predictions, and believers began to defect. Trying to keep one family from leaving, Andrada told them one of them would die on the journey. Sure enough, the family's young son soon fell violently ill and passed away. The family accused Andrada of poisoning him. She was arrested and found not guilty, but never returned to preach to her followers.
Searching for explanations
How Camping's followers will cope with a failed doomsday prediction depends on the structure of the group, said Steve Hassan, a counseling psychologist and cult expert who runs the online Freedom of Mind Resource Center. [After Doomsday: How Humans Get Off Earth]
"The more people have connections outside of the group, the more likely it is that they're going to stop looking to [Camping] as the mouth of God on Earth," Hassan told LiveScience. "Information control is one of the most important features of mind control."
In his experience, Hassan said, about a third of believers become disillusioned after a failed prediction, while another third find reason to believe more strongly. The remaining group members fall somewhere in between, he said.
Doomsday groups in history have run a gamut of responses after failed predictions, said Stephen Kent, a sociologist at the University of Alberta who studies new and alternative religions. On occasion, a leader will admit he or she was wrong; other groups will come up with a face-saving explanation. Some groups may blame themselves, rationalizing that their lack of faith caused the failure, Kent told LiveScience. Other groups blame outside forces and redouble their efforts.
"One of the options is for the group to say, 'Society wasn't ready, Jesus felt there weren't enough people worthy of rapturing. Hence, we've got to go out and convert more people,'" Kent said.
After the apocalypse
Often, a failed prediction leads to splinter groups and re-entrenchment. After Baptist preacher William Miller predicted the end of the world on Oct. 22, 1844 — a date thereafter known as "The Great Disappointment" when nothing happened — his followers struggled to explain their mistake. One subset decided that on that date, Jesus had shifted his location in heaven in preparation to return to Earth. This group later became the Seventh-Day Adventist church. [Infographic: Doomsdays Past and Present]
Sociologists and doomsday experts agree that Camping is likely convinced of doomsday rather than perpetuating a hoax or running a scam. A con artist, Hassan said, would never set himself up for failure by giving a firm date.
A belief in doomsday gives followers a clear sense of the world and their place in it, Kent said. Those comforting beliefs are difficult to maintain after the world fails to end.
"This could be a fairly sad day for these people," Kent said. "There will be some greatly disheartened people who may be terribly confused about what didn't happen."

Next Article Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Beyoncé Take Billboard Awards

It was just like 2010 all over again: Taylor Swift was the first winner of the night at Sunday's 2011 Billboard Music Awards, where she was named 200 Album Artist of the Year – for Speak Now.

More than two hours later, she collected another trophy, as Country Artist of the Year. "I'm just havin' the best time doin' this," she said.

Justin Bieber was a triple winner, as Digital Artist of the Year, Top New Artist and Fan Favorite – great excuses to hug and kiss his seat mate in the audience of Las Vegas's MGM Grand: Selena Gomez.

On stage, sporting a gold lamé tuxedo jacket, the "Baby" singer, 17, thanked his fans, as well as his mother and "my whole family, [talent manager] Scooter Braun, Usher – basically everyone who helped me get out of my hometown and live my dream."

As PEOPLE reported from the rehearsal, a ravishingly redheaded Rihanna opened the show with her song "S&M" before being joined a black-masked Britney Spears.

Immediately after their bows, the (off-key) singing and (nearly in step) dancing host, The Hangover Part II star Ken Jeong, took to the stage, "This time with my clothes on," he said.

One of his ensuing comedy sequences was followed by his movie costars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis espousing their love of "urban music" – and introducing Keith Urban, who sang his country hit "Long Hot Summer" while wife Nicole Kidman smiled at him from the audience.

All-Star Beyoncé Tribute

Spears returned to the stage hours later, to duet with rapper Nicki Minaj. Rihanna returned when Justin Bieber handed her award for Female Artist of the Year. "It was so cool" to have him present it to her, she said.

Taio Cruz's "Dynamite" was named Top Hot 100 Song. Lady Antebellum took Country Song of the Year, for the heavily downloaded "Need You Now." The Black Eyed Peas were the Top Duo/Group. "I want to thank our families for dealing with us," said Fergie.

At the top of the second hour, no less than First Lady Michelle Obama, Bono, Barbra Streisand, Stevie Wonder and Lady Gaga paid tribute (on film) to Beyonce Knowles. Mrs. Obama applauded "the role model she provides so many women," while mother Tina Knowles spoke of how Whitney Houston had served as the young Beyoncé's own role model. "Beyoncé has made history and she's not even 30 yet," said Wonder.

Performing a dynamic rendition of "Run the World (Girls)" that took her right into the audience, Beyoncé was then presented the Billboard Millennium Award, for her music and for her foundation's humanitarian work. While expressing her thanks, Beyoncé also shouted out her love to her husband, Jay-Z.

Other notable winners during the performance-heavy, three-hour broadcast on ABC included Rihanna again, this time as Radio Artist of the Year; U2, as Top Touring Artist; and the Icon Winner, Neil Diamond. "I don't know what it means to be an icon, but I always wanted to be one," he said. "I'll Google it after the show."

Here's Why The World Is Going To End On May 21, 2011

We picked up a pamphlet in Union Square to see why so many people are talking about the world ending on May 21, 2011. It turns out the theory comes down to two numerological proofs.
The first proof is based on Genesis 7:4, when God said to Noah: "Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made."
When God referred to seven days, he meant both seven days and seven thousand years, because "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." The flood occurred in 4990 BC. Seven thousand years later is 2011.

The second proof looks at the significance of the number of days between the Crucifixion and May 21, 2011.
There are 722,500 days between these dates. 722,500 is a significant number because it is composed of the significant numbers 5x10x17x5x10x17. Five signifies redemption; ten signifies completion; and 17 signifies heaven. The numbers represent the day of redemption (5) and the end of the Christian era (10) and the ascent to heaven (17) -- and these factors are doubled for added significance.
We'll know for sure soon.

Rapture 2011 – End of the World May 21st? Doesn’t seem so!

Radio evangelist Harold Camping has predicted that today, May 21st, will be the end of the world. This day has become known as Rapture. The world was predicted to end at 6PM. However this time has been and gone, so it appears the Camping’s prediction was just mere scaremongering.
Today according to Camping is the anniversary of the mass flood in which Noah built his ark in the Bible story. Camping’s claims even appeared to have developed some legitimacy, as many people purchased emergency kits and stocked up of food in case the worst happened. However, as I am writing this now, it seems we have survived at Camping was wrong.
Camping it appears was merely trying to raise his public profile, and encourage more people to listen to his radio show. What it in fact has shown is that he is a complete loony, preying on the innocent. I am sure there were people who did truly believe his so called “prophecies”, and Camping has exploited their vulnerability. He is a mere con artist.
This is just another apocalypse prediction that are occurring at more regular intervals in recent years. It must be a traumatic time for those who do in fact believe them. Personally I would rather not be made aware if the end of the world was nye. It would be a fairly depressing few days before hand!
We can now look forward to the Mayan predicted end of the world on December 21 2012. So it appears we have a year and a half left to live. Oh well, must make the best of ourselves then!
If you found out the world was about to end, what would you do?

Tornado Damage In Missouri And Minnesota (PHOTOS)

Tornadoes Hit Midwest, Missouri And Minnesota Report Fatalities

JOPLIN, Mo. — A massive tornado blasted its way across southwestern Missouri on Sunday, flattening several blocks of homes and businesses in Joplin and leaving residents frantically scrambling through the wreckage.
Hundreds of windows were blown out St. John's Regional Medical Center, where a few moments' notice gave staff time to hustle patients into hallways before the tornado struck the multistory building. All were quickly evacuated into the parking lot to be moved to other hospitals in the region.
The same storm system that produced the Joplin tornado spawned twisters along a broad swath of the Midwest, from Oklahoma to Wisconsin. At least one person was killed in Minneapolis.
Missouri authorities said they could confirm that people had died in Joplin, but the numbers were unknown late Sunday. The storm that hit the city spread debris about 60 miles away, with medical records, X-rays, insulation and other items falling to the ground in Greene County, said Larry Woods, assistant director of the Springfield-Greene County Office of Emergency Management.
Emergency management officials rushed heavy equipment to Joplin to help lift debris and clear the way for search and recovery operations. Gov. Jay Nixon activated the National Guard and declared a state of emergency. Schools in the disaster zoned were flattened or severely damaged.
Phone communications in and out of the city of about 50,000 people about 160 miles south of Kansas City were largely cut off. Travel through and around Joplin was difficult, with Interstate 44 shut down and streets clogged with emergency vehicles and the wreckage of buildings.
On social networking sites, people with ties to Joplin and even those without were calling for prayers for the southwest Missouri city. Some people were quick to post that they and their families are OK, or to get the word out that loved ones are missing or homes were destroyed. Others found themselves without access to phones because of overburdened phone lines, but able to text and use social media.
Jeff Lehr, a reporter for the Joplin Globe, said he was upstairs in his home when the storm hit but was able to make his way to a basement closet.
"There was a loud huffing noise, my windows started popping. I had to get downstairs, glass was flying. I opened a closet and pulled myself into it," he told The Associated Press. "Then you could hear everything go. It tore the roof off my house, everybody's house. I came outside and there was nothing left."

Tornadoes Hit Midwest, Missouri And Minnesota Report Fatalities

Tornado Joplin
KURT VOIGT   05/22/11 11:43 PM ET   AP
JOPLIN, Mo. — A massive tornado blasted its way across southwestern Missouri on Sunday, flattening several blocks of homes and businesses in Joplin and leaving residents frantically scrambling through the wreckage.
Hundreds of windows were blown out St. John's Regional Medical Center, where a few moments' notice gave staff time to hustle patients into hallways before the tornado struck the multistory building. All were quickly evacuated into the parking lot to be moved to other hospitals in the region.
The same storm system that produced the Joplin tornado spawned twisters along a broad swath of the Midwest, from Oklahoma to Wisconsin. At least one person was killed in Minneapolis.
Missouri authorities said they could confirm that people had died in Joplin, but the numbers were unknown late Sunday. The storm that hit the city spread debris about 60 miles away, with medical records, X-rays, insulation and other items falling to the ground in Greene County, said Larry Woods, assistant director of the Springfield-Greene County Office of Emergency Management.
Emergency management officials rushed heavy equipment to Joplin to help lift debris and clear the way for search and recovery operations. Gov. Jay Nixon activated the National Guard and declared a state of emergency. Schools in the disaster zoned were flattened or severely damaged.
Phone communications in and out of the city of about 50,000 people about 160 miles south of Kansas City were largely cut off. Travel through and around Joplin was difficult, with Interstate 44 shut down and streets clogged with emergency vehicles and the wreckage of buildings.
On social networking sites, people with ties to Joplin and even those without were calling for prayers for the southwest Missouri city. Some people were quick to post that they and their families are OK, or to get the word out that loved ones are missing or homes were destroyed. Others found themselves without access to phones because of overburdened phone lines, but able to text and use social media.
Jeff Lehr, a reporter for the Joplin Globe, said he was upstairs in his home when the storm hit but was able to make his way to a basement closet.
"There was a loud huffing noise, my windows started popping. I had to get downstairs, glass was flying. I opened a closet and pulled myself into it," he told The Associated Press. "Then you could hear everything go. It tore the roof off my house, everybody's house. I came outside and there was nothing left."
Story continues below
He said people were walking around the streets outside trying to check on neighbors, but in many cases there were no homes to check.
"There were people wandering the streets, all mud covered," he said. "I'm talking to them, asking if they knew where their family is. Some of them didn't know, and weren't sure where they were. All the street markers were gone."
Resident Tom Rogers walked around viewing the damage with his daughter.
"Our house is gone. It's just gone," Rogers told The Joplin Globe. "We heard the tornado sirens for the second time. All of a sudden, everything came crashing down on us. We pulled our heads up and there was nothing. It was gone."
Tornado warnings were posted throughout the evening for other southwestern Missouri counties as the system powered its way east.
In Minneapolis, city spokeswoman Sara Dietrich said the death was confirmed by the Hennepin County medical examiner. She had no other immediate details. Only two of the 29 people injured there were hurt critically.
Though the damage covered several blocks in Minneapolis, it appeared few houses were totally demolished. Much of the damage was to roofs, front porches that had been sheared away, or smaller items such as fences and basketball goals.
In Wisconsin, the mayor of La Crosse declared a state of emergency Sunday after a severe storm hit, tearing roofs from homes and sending emergency responders. No one was seriously injured.
Sunday's storms followed a tornado Saturday night that swept through a small eastern Kansas town, killing one person and destroying at least 20 homes, as severe thunderstorms pelted the region with hail that some residents described as the size of baseballs, authorities said Sunday.
Kansas Division of Emergency Management spokeswoman Sharon Watson identified the victim as Don Chesmore, 53, of Reading. He was in a mobile home that flipped. He was taken to a hospital in Emporia, where he was pronounced dead.
Additional storms were predicted across the southern Plains through Thursday morning.
An advisory from the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla., said warm weather Monday could fuel instability in advance of another weather system. A few tornadoes, some strong, could occur – starting in Oklahoma and southern Kansas in the afternoon and in North Texas in the late afternoon.

'You Light Up My Life' songwriter Joseph Brooks, accused rapist, commits suicide: cops

Detectives take Joseph Brooks from the Special Victims Unit to Manhattan Central Booking after he was charged with rape in 2009.
Joseph Brooks, the Oscar-winning composer of "You Light Up My Life" who was awaiting trial for rape while his son faced a murder trial, killed himself Sunday in his Upper East Side apartment.
Brooks, 73, was found dead with a plastic dry cleaning bag over his head and a towel wrapped around his head and neck near a hose attached to a tank of helium gas.
He left a note, but cops would not reveal its contents.
The body was discovered at 12:30 p.m. in his apartment at Lexington Ave. and E. 63rd St. by a friend expecting to have lunch with him, said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.
Suicide by helium is relatively rare, but it is recommended as painless and easy by the world's best-selling suicide how-to book, "Final Exit." The setup is variously called a "helium hood" or an "exit bag."
Neighbors said Brooks, who had a stroke in 2008 and shuffled to court on a cane, recently looked very gaunt.
"I saw him the last two days, and he looked very ill. He looked like a depressed man, a dying man," said Elizabeth Zoch, 75, a psychoanalyst. "Truly, he looked like a dying man."
M. Jack Stone, 51, an artist who lives in the penthouse above Brooks, said the old man was losing weight and looked terrible.
"He was facing serious charges and had nothing to live for. I'd have done the same thing," Stone said.
Brooks had a penchant for hiring escorts, and neighbors said they often saw beautiful young women leaving his apartment.
Brooks' ballad "You Light Up My Life" as recorded by Debby Boone was the number one song of 1977 and the biggest hit of the 1970s. It was the title song of a movie that Brooks wrote, directed and produced and won the Oscar for Best Song.
In 2009, Brooks was arrested on charges of raping 11 young actresses whom he lured to his apartment with the promise of movie roles. He was awaiting trial on 82 counts of sexual abuse.
His son, Nicholas Brooks, 25, is awaiting trial on charges that he strangled his girlfriend, swimsuit designer Sylvie Cachay, at the posh Soho House private club last year.
Father and son had a contentious relationship, and the father had reportedly not contacted his son since his arrest.
Susan Karten, lawyer for the Cachay family, called it all a "terrible, terrible tragedy."
"A father is accused of the sexual abuse of so many different women and the son is jailed on murder charges - it's just a horrible mess," she said.
Cachay's family "doesn't wish these people harm" and would not oppose the son being let out of Riker's to attend his father's funeral, Karten said.
"Even though he comes from a messed-up family, it's still his biological father," she said. "It doesn't affect the murder case."

Lady Gaga uses Chrome, and here's the 91-second film to prove it

One of the world's most (in)famous names has picked a side in the browser battles -- last night saw the debut of a new Google Chrome commercial, starring Lady Gaga and her "little monsters." Spanning a minute and a half of Gaga and her fans singing and gyrating their way through her latest single, the ad is intended to illustrate the power of the web and its creative new modes of interaction. To be fair, said interaction is mostly Lady Gaga saying "jump" and a crowd of YouTubers doing it without bothering to ask how high, but hey, the result is fun to watch. You just need to disable your sense of shame for all humanity and click past the break.

The Senators Who Say Merely Linking To Certain Sites Should Be A Felony

I wrote earlier about how the new PROTECT IP Act guts parts of the DMCA, but as you dig deeper, it's looking even worse. The original (and now updated) article focused on the use of the term "interactive computer service," which was in a draft copy of the bill. At the last minute, that was changed instead to be "information location tool." While, at first, this may seem to be a narrower definition, there are some serious concerns that this effectively makes it illegal to link to any website that is accused of being "dedicated to infringing purposes." That's because an "information location tool" is defined under current law to be: a "directory, index, reference, pointer, or hypertext link."

Yes, you read that correctly: a link is an "information location tool" and such tools may be barred from pointing to sites deemed "dedicated to infringing" purposes. That seems like a massive breach of the First Amendment. If there is relevant information, as someone covering the news, why should I be prevented from linking?

Making matters even worse is a companion bill introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar, John Cornyn and Christopher Coons, which would ratchet up charges for sites that stream infringing works to a felony. The specific text of the bill is not yet public, and it's likely that it just extends the "public performance" rights to section 506a of the Copyright Act (which only covers distribution and reproduction rights today). But, that leaves open a huge question of what is considered a "public performance" and how you define "streaming" in relation to a public performance. I can see it reasonably applying to a site hosting the content and streaming it... but what about an embed or a link, in which the content never touches the site in question at all? Tragically, we've already seen that the feds consider merely linking or embedding to be a form of a felony -- so it appears this bill is designed to make that even clearer, and that is really dangerous.

Put it all together, and our elected officials are now claiming that linking to something can be a felony. Yeah. Scary.

It seems that we really should highlight the list of Senators who have sponsored these bills, and who are telling you that linking to content should be considered a felony. The first bill is sponsored by:
  • Patrick Leahy
  • Orrin Hatch
  • Chuck Grassley
  • Charles Schumer
  • Dianne Feinstein
  • Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Herb Kohl
  • Chris Coons
  • Richard Blumenthal
  • Al Franken <-- Updated to include, missed him on the first pass
The latter bill is
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • John Cornyn
  • Chris Coons, who has the distinction of sponsoring both dreadful bills
So, there you go. The Senators who think it's okay for the government to put people in jail for linking.

Richard Hatch Headed to Prison Yet Again

ne of the standouts on the new season of Donald Trump's 'Celebrity Apprentice' is in very hot water.

Learning his IRS lesson the hard way, original 'Survivor' champ Richard Hatch was ordered on Friday to return to prison to serve a nine-month sentence, says the Hollywood Reporter. A judge is punishing Hatch for (still) not paying taxes he allegedly owes on the $1 million prize (plus thousands for additional media appearances) he earned back in 2000 as the very first winner of CBS' hit series.

Hatch now owes approximately $2 million in taxes and penalties. He has vehemently proclaimed his innocence.

The 49-year-old Army veteran already served time behind bars for tax evasion, for more than three years. He was released in 2009, vowing that "whatever is owed, I will pay," but describing himself as "financially devastated."

At the time, he remarked that his years in jail "reduced my arrogance," but insisted he was persecuted by an overzealous prosecution that failed, according to Hatch, to overlook his sexual orientation. He told Matt Lauer, "My personal opinion: [The prosecutor] discriminated against me. I do believe that. I don't think you or anyone else could deny that we, as homosexuals, face discrimination."
Hatch is now under orders to surrender to U.S. Marshals by noon on Monday. District Court Judge William E. Smith slapped the TV personality with an additional sentence to take effect after prison -- 29 months of supervised release, with a requirement that 25 percent of Hatch's gross wages be paid to the IRS.

The judge scolded Hatch on Friday, "You can continue to proclaim your innocence. You don't have the option of engaging in this type of game or negotiation with the court. It needs to be a severe punishment. That's the only thing that will deter you in the future."

At the sentencing in Rhode Island, where Hatch resides, Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew J. Reich told the court Hatch "acted with deliberation" by failing to file "and did not make any effort to pay the amount he owed in taxes and penalties to the IRS."

U.S. Attorney Peter Neronha said in a news release, "The sentence imposed by Judge Smith, the maximum sentence allowed under the guidelines, sends the right message that regardless how hard you try to manipulate the system to avoid paying your taxes, in the end you will be held accountable."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nuevo Trailer de 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'!

Poco después de hacerse el anuncio de que 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' adelantará su estreno del 1ro de julio al 29 de junio, Paramount Pictures ha liberado un nuevo trailer de la película con varias escenos no vistas hasta hora. Mira a continuación:

'Transformers: El Lado Oscuro de la Luna' cuenta con las actuaciones de Shia Labeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Patrick Dempsey, y Tyrese Gibson. Llega a los cines el 29 de junio.

Which Direction To Follow?

Brunei Cyber Games 2011 Promo Teaser

Friday, May 20, 2011

Deadline by Snap Production

Deadline: Final Year Project from snap_productions on Vimeo.

TV Spot 16 de 'X-Men: First Class'!

Un nuevo y excitante TV Spot de 'X-Men: First Class' llega a nuestro blog. El anuncio comercial, lanzado para Japón, muestra nuevas y rápidas escenas del desenlace, donde el primer grupo X-Men espera en la isla la represalia de los que creían sus aliados, dando paso a la división de bandos. Mira a continuación:

'X-Men: Primera Generación' llega a los cines el 2 de junio.

Primera Foto Oficial de 'The Dark Knight Rises! Revelado el Aspecto de 'Bane'!

Iniciamos de esta forma la cobertura de todo lo relacionado a la nueva, y última, entrega cinematográfica del Hombre Murcielago, que dirige Christopher Nolan, 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Esta primera foto oficial, muestra, aunque no es muy apreciable, al actor Tom Hardy encarnando al villano 'Bane', uno de antagonistas que veremos en la película. Debido a la iluminación y a la posición de la foto, podemos determinar muy poco sobre el aspecto de Bane, pero algo es seguro, usará máscara y será fornido. Mira la imagen en Hi-res haciendo clic en ella:


'The Dark Knight Rises' cuenta con las actuaciones de Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Marion Cotillard, Josh Pence, Nestor Carbonell y Michael Caine. La película llegará a los cines el 20 de julio de 2012.

Detrás de Cámaras de 'X-Men: First Class'!

Este primer detrás de cámaras de 'X-Men: First Class', de un minuto y medio de duración, muestra algunos nuevos segundos de la película, declaraciones de los actores, la realización de algunas escenas y más. Mira a continuación:

'X-MEN: Primera Generación' llega a los cines el 2 de junio.

Se Adelanta el Estreno de 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' al 29 de junio!

Paramount Pictures ha decidido adelantar la fecha de estreno de 'Transfomers Dark of the Moon' del viernes 1ro de julio al miercoles 29 de junio.

La película tiene una clasificación PG-13 por sus "intensas y prolongadas secuencias de acción, violencia, caos y destrucción, y por su lenguaje cargado de contendio sexual".

En esta nueva aventura, los Autobots y Decepticons se ven involucrados en una peligrosa carrera espacial entre los EE.UU. y Rusia, y una vez más, el humano Sam Witwicky tiene que acudir en ayuda de sus amigos robots.

'Transformers: El Lado Oscuro de la Luna' cuenta con las actuaciones de Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington Whiteley, Julia Blanco, Kevin Dunn, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Alan Tudyk, John Malkovich y la dirección de Michael Bay. No olviden, el estreno ahora es el 29 de junio.

3er Clip de 'X-Men: First Class'!

Nos llega un tecer clip de la película 'X-Men: First Class', la precuela de la trilogía mutante que contará los origenes del Profesor X y Magneto. Este clip muestra mucha interacción entre los personajes de Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique) y Nicholas Hoult (Beast). Mira a continuación:

'X-Men: Primera Generación' llega a los cines el 2 de junio.

Se Activa el Website Oficial de 'The Dark Knight Rises'!

El moviesite oficial de 'The Dark Knight Rises' (que inició su fotografía principal ayer) se ha activado, aunque no podemos ver nada más que una pantalla oscura y un sonido constante que recuerda los antiguos gritos de gladiadores. Puedes descargar ese sonido dando clic en la pantalla negra, a ver qué encuentran. Visita el sitio web haciendo clic en

'The Dark Knight Rises' cuenta con las actuaciones de Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Marion Cotillard, Josh Pence, Néstor Carbonell, Michael Caine, y la dirección de Christopher Nolan. La película llegará a los cines el 20 de julio de 2012.

Warfare Photo Shoot Video


Thursday, May 19, 2011

EA Con Announced!

Expressive Art Convention (EA Con) is an event that is centered towards pop culture hobbies such as Anime, Drawing, Gaming, Cosplay and Model building. Previously known as Deviant Meet (Dev Meet, last time held was in December 2009 which you can check HERE, HERE & HERE) now it has grown and improved with dedicated committee so that we will be able to deliver one of the best hobby convention in Brunei!

Partnered with Chong Hock Toynation and organized by TFF Company, EA con will offer various competitions such as Drawing, Cosplay and Gundam competition along with game tournaments with attractive and must-win prizes. There will also be panels and workshops for people to share and interact with the experienced committee regarding cosplay, drawing and model hobbies.

For more info, you can visit EA Con official website HERE.

For your info, Brunei have their own Cosplayers & Gundam/model building group at Facebook. For cosplayer, you can join Brunei Cosplayers and K.B Cosplay Club. Model building fans, you can join BRUNEI ANIME and MECHA Hangar. Toy collectors can join Toy Collector Society. While for gamers, you can join, BRU Shadaloo and TFF Company.

There are also some site off Facebook. there is forum site like B-MAGE which talk about Manga, Anime, Games, Entertainment (hence the name MAGE). Then there is BruGamers and BruPlay that concentrate more on gaming.

TV Spot 13, 14 y 15 de 'X-Men: First Class'!

No para la lluvia de anuncios comerciales de 'X-Men: First Class', hoy continuamos con los TV Spots 13, 14, 15, donde vemos alguno que otro nuevo segundo de metraje. Mira a continuación:

'X-Men: Primera Generación' llega a los cines el 2 de junio.

1er y 2do Clip de 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'!

Dreamworks Pictures nos muestran dos clips de la película 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon', la tecera entrega de la saga de robots transformables, que vuelve a dirigir Michael Bay. El primer clip presenta a Carly (Rosie Huntington-Whitely), a Sam (Shia LaBeouf) y a Dylan (Patrick Dempsey), el jefe de Carly. El segundo muestra al coronel William Lennox (Josh Duhamel) incentivando a sus hombres antes de saltar a la acción. Mira los clips:

'Transformers: El lado Oscuro de la Luna' llega a los cines en 2D y 3D el 1ro de julio.

BIBD Charity Expedition For Japan

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam through its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives today announced that it will be organizing a BIBD Charity Expedition for the tsunami and earthquake victims in Japan.

It is disheartening to see the various destructions our fellow neighbour has to overcome due to the disasters that hit Japan.

With CSR being one of BIBD’s priorities in supporting the local communities, the team has extended its help to the victims to get through this difficult phase by raising as much funds as possible.

This fundraising charity campaign will be held on June 19, 2011 at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, and will comprise three events; a Charity Run, a Charity Cycle and Charity Bazaar.

A press conference was held to brief the media on the aims and logistics of the event. Present to speak at the press conference were Project Managers Sonia Kaur and Audrey Koh as well as event coordinators Ahmad Nazmie bin Hj Omar and Ak Hj Muhd Raimi bin DP Hj Azmansham.

During the Press Conference, the event coordinators shared that the distance for the charity run is 11.4km while the charity cycle will cover a distance of 58km. Both expedition will start from and end at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium.

The logistics of the charity run and charity cycle were shared. On the event of the charity bazaar, proceeds collected will go directly to the fund for Japan.

Interested participants can download the application form from BIBD’s website; and completed forms must be emailed to or submitted directly to CSR Secretariat at BIBD Headquarters, Lot 159 Jalan Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan. Registration closes on June 1, 2011.

The charity expedition for Japan is supported by Aewon Garment and Embroidery and Triple Star.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

TV Spot 10, 11, 12 y 2do Clip de 'X-Men: First Class'!

Tres nuevos TV Spot de 'X-Men: First Class' llegan a nuestro blog. Cada día la espera se ha más corta, y cada nueva imagen que vemos aumenta más la emoción por la nueva película mutante que llegará a principios del próximo mes. Mira los Spots publicitarios a continuación:

También te mostramos el segundo clip oficial de la película, donde podemos ver cómo Charles Xavier deja en evidencia, sin querer, que Hank McCoy (Beast) es un mutante. Mira a continuación:

'X-Men: Primera Generación' llega a los cines el 2 de junio.

Poster de Abin Sur y Nuevo TV Spot de 'Green Lantern'!

Abin Sur

Un nuevo poster de 'Green Lantern' ha sido liberado, en él podemos ver a Abin Sur (Temura Morrison), el antecesor alienigena de Hal Jordan, interpretado por Ryan Reynolds. Junto con este poster, te mostramos un nuevo TV Spot con algunas escenas no vistas. Mira a continuación:

'Green Lantern' llega a los cines el 17 de junio en 2D y 3D.

Tasek's Waterfall

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

White: The Melody of the Curse Poster & Trailer

Canon posts firmware update v1.0.1 for 600D

Canon has posted a firmware update for its EOS Rebel T3i / 600D digital SLR. Firmware v1.0.1 clarifies the on-screen feature guide description of the digital zoom function in movie mode, and fixes a bug relating to computer connectivity via USB. The firmware is available for immediate download from Canon's website.

Windows user can download it HERE.

Mac OS X user can download it HERE.

To The Moon And Beyond

The Moon on 17/05/2011 by EOS 7D

Taken around 8.45pm

Underneath The Bright Sky

Monday, May 16, 2011

Los Tesoros de la Cámara de Odín!

Gracias a tenemos acceso a imágenes que muestran parte de los tesoros conservados en la Cámara de Odín, escenario mostrado en la nueva cinta de Marvel Studios, 'Thor'. La primera foto es, aunque yo creí en un primer momento que se trataba de el Ojo de Agamotto, el Warlock's Eye (Ojo de Warlock). El segundo objeto es, posiblemente, la Tablet of Life and Time (Tabla de la Vida y el Tiempo). No queda duda que el tercer objeto es The Eternal Flame (La Flama Eterna). Podríamos considerar al cuarto objeto como el Eye or Orb of Agamotto (El Ojo de Agamotto). Y todos ya saben que la última de estas reliquias es The Infinity Gauntlet (El Guantele Infinito de Thanos), aunque no apareció en la película. Los invito a que, si no he acertado con los nombres correctos de los objetos, me corrijan. Miren las imagenes a continuación en el orden mencionado:

Puedes ver (fugazmente) algunos de estos importantes objetos del Universo Marvel en la película 'Thor', disponible sólo en cines.

Scattered Clouds