Monday, January 31, 2011

Close-Ups of Spider-Man On-Set

On Location News has brought online some great close-up photos of Spider-Man on the Los Angeles set.

Unrest At Egypt

EVACUATING Bruneian students from Egypt remains the top priority of the Brunei Embassy in Cairo which has been rocked by unprecedented anti-government protests.

Bruneian students in Egypt are waiting for a chance to return home via a contingency plan that is being discussed between the Brunei Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MoFAT).

The students who have been relocated to the embassy in Cairo on Sunday said yesterday they were waiting for their flight home in light of escalating tensions in Egypt, The Brunei Times learned yesterday in a telephone interview.

Nurul Muizzatul Ain Hj Idris, 22, an Arabic Language student at Cairo University, said the embassy called for a meeting on Sunday around lunch time, and asked if students wanted to come back to Brunei.

"Our families are worried so we have to come back. My friends at my university have gone back to their countries, and I also want to be home with my family," she said.

The third year student, who has been living in Cairo for the past four months, said there are 101 students, families and officers who have been relocated to the embassy's office in Zamalek.

"We all slept alright last night, and the embassy has been supplying us with enough food," she said.

Nurul Muizzatul Ain also said there are more than 30 Bruneian students in neighbouring Jordan, but they need not return to Brunei because it was "safe" there.

Asked how she felt about the situation, Nurul Muizzatul Ain said, "I am worried about the protests because we do not have this in Brunei."

She has been in close contact with her family and grandmother here since the protests broke out.

It was Sunday an embassy staff called Nurul Muizzatul to tell her they would be picking her up and relocating her.

"We (students) were asked to pack our important documents and clothing, and that the embassy car would pick us up," she said.

The students are not allowed to leave the embassy's premises. They are all praises for the staff for taking good care of their needs.

Earlier in the afternoon, a source at the MoFAT said there was "no change" in the situation, and that all Bruneians there were located at the embassy.

If the situation worsened and endangered the lives of Bruneians, the source said they already had a contingency plan in place.

"We must have contingency plans in case of wars, and we have this at all our embassies in the world, just like other countries. This is to safeguard the safety of our citizens," she said.

"We are assigned to look after our citizens abroad, and we have to make sure they are safe and secure," the source added.

State broadcaster Radio Televisyen Brunei (RTB) reported yesterday that the embassy in Cairo was working closely with MoFAT to send home Bruneians.

Reports said the situation in Tahrir Square yesterday morning was "calm", but efforts to evacuate Bruneians have been made as the main priority to ensure their safety, said Latifah Zaini, the Embassy's Interim Charge D'Affaires, in an interview with RTB last night.

A news report from Reuters said protesters intensified their campaign yesterday to force Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to quit, due to frustration over repression and the lack of democracy under Mubarak's rule boiled over.

More than 100 people were killed in clashes with security forces in scenes that overturned Egypt's standing as a stable country, promising emerging market and attractive tourist destination, the report added.

In another report, AP yesterday said a coalition of opposition groups called for a million people to take to Cairo's streets today.

It added the coalition of groups said it wants the march from Tahrir, or Liberation Square, to force Mubarak to step down by Friday.

Meanwhile, MoFAT yesterday advised the public to refrain from travelling to Egypt at the moment in the light of the increasing violence in the country.

And here are some of the latest footage from Eygpt posted by various youtubers...

Dangerous Meeting Poster and Teaser

Tiemblan los Kioskos Peruanos! Llega: World War HULK!

World War Hulk

Nuestro primer macroevento del año azotará los kioscos peruanos, se trata de la vibrante saga protagonizada por HULK, el goliat esmeralda, World War Hulk. Prepárense a disfrutarla a partir del miércoles 2 de febrero (un día muy especial, por cierto).

Guionizada por el novel Greg Pak y con un soberano dibujo de John Romita Jr y entintados de Klaus Janson, esta historia nos presentará el salvaje regreso de Hulk, quien estuvo "desaparecido" en la saga Civil War.

A continuación les presentamos un breve recuento de PLANET HULK (escrita por Benjamín Guadamur), que nos muestra la historia previa que condujo a Hulk a la insanía total y a una jurada guerra sobre la tierra:

Es la historia de la vida del gigante verde Hulk, durante los eventos de la "Guerra Civil". La saga de la editorial Marvel transcurre en cinco arcos básicos argumentales:

Paz en nuestro tiempo, Bruce Banner (el lado humano de Hulk) vivía en Alaska alejado voluntariamente de la sociedad, en su afán de evitar situaciones conflictivas que desencadenen su transformación en Hulk. Pero su momento de paz termina al ser contactado por agentes de SHIELD, quienes lo persuaden de ser enviado al espacio a destruir un peligroso satélite fuera de control. Banner, crédulo, accede.

Pero una vez cumplida la misión, ya como Hulk, es sorprendido por un mensaje del líder de los Cuatro Fantásticos- Reed Richards, explicándole que "no podíamos dejar pasar la oportunidad de deshacernos de ti." Hulk es mandado al exilio permanente en las profundidades del cosmos. Tal acción radical es decisión del exclusivo club de los "Iluminatis" (Reed Richards, Profesor Xavier, Rayo Negro, Namor, Iron man y Pantera Negra)

El Exilio: el destino original de Hulk era un pacifico planeta, pero un portal cósmico altera el curso de la nave, y aterriza en el planeta guerrero Sakaar, donde es capturado y vendido como gladiador. Hulk se alía con otros esclavos: Miek el insectoide; Korg el hombre de Roca; Brood, insecto parasito; Lavin Skee y Elloe Kaifi, prisioneros políticos; y Hiroim, Guerrero sombra. Todos sobreviven a las cruentas pruebas impuestas por el tiránico Rey Rojo, Emperador de Sakaar.

La Anarquia: Hulk y su grupo de rebeldes, viaja por el mundo de Sakaar, y enfrentan a Caiera, una indómita guerrera. Pero el Rey Rojo traiciona a su ejército, lanzando su arma máxima: las Púas Parásitos que infectan todo lo que tocan.

La Alianza: Hulk logra vencer a las Púas y une fuerzas con estas para derrocar al emperador. El deceso del emperador marca la victoria absoluta de Hulk y la salvación del planeta, convirtiéndose en el nuevo Rey, desposando a Caiera.

El Armagedon. El idílico reinado de Hulk acaba cuando la nave que lo trajo de la tierra, explota y aniquila a sus súbditos y esposa. Ahora solo hay un deseo en el corazón de Hulk: regresar a nuestro planeta y vengarse de los causantes de sus desdichas; los "Iluminatis".

Ya tienen la información previa necesaria, y con John Romita Jr. como conductor gráfico de esta nueva saga, la acción contínua está más que asegurada.

Adjuntamos la infografía que salió el día sabado con el diario Perú.21:

Serán 5 vibrantes números en la que se verá en pleno toda la furia de Hulk frente a todos los héroes, a los que considera sus enemigos. La primera edición tendrá 48 páginas. El costo del cómic será de 4 soles con cupón y 5 soles sin cupón.

*Aviso válido sólo para Perú

'Captain America' en la Portada de Empire!

Captain America on Empire

Iniciando febrero, la revista Empire sacará una nueva edición con dos nevas imagenes de 'Captain America: The First Avenger'. La primera de estas imagenes luce en la caratula de la revista y se ve impresionante, y la otra, en no muy buena resolución, también del capi, estará en los interiores. Agregamos unas citas del productor ejecutivo de Kevin Feige, del director Joe Johnston y el protagonista de la película, Chris Evans acerca de la película:

"Teníamos guiones listos, la mitad tenía lugar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y la otra mitad en los tiempos modernos, pero ninguno funcionó porque el "Traje" (del Capitán)terminó opacando al hombre", dice jefe de Marvel, Kevin Feige. "Así que finalmente me dije: Si pudiéramos hacer una película del Capitán América de la manera que queremos, ¿cómo lo haríamos? Bueno, desarrollamos toda la película en el pasado, en ese período (SGM), con todos los recortes de Marvel, y así lo conseguimos: la película del Capitán América que queríamos. "

"Siempre me ha gustado 'Raiders' y el tono que tenía", dice el director Joe Johnston. "tenía su período, pero no se sentía como si estuviera hecha en esa época. Se sentía como una película de hoy en día en esa época, y eso hemos hecho con el Capitán América. No se sentirá como una película de guerra. Es gracioso cuando necesitas ser emocional y tienes que ser serio y derrochar mucha acción."

"No es sólo un héroe estadounidense", afirma Chris Evans. "Creo que es el hombre ideal. No sólo para Estados Unidos. Es lo que significa ser una persona buena. Steve logrado superar todas las deficiencias que ha tenido en su vida y hace lo que es bueno y lo que cree que es correcto."

Cuando encontré la noticia, vi una imagen que juntaba cuatro carátulas de Empire con los cuatro superhéroes de Marvel: Iron Man, Hulk, Thor y Captain America, y está genial, por eso aprovecho y se los muestro a continuación:

'Captain America: The First Avenger' llega a los cine el 22 de julio de 2012.

Usagi Maid Teaser

Familia y Educación, una web para la familia

Son numerosas las webs dedicadas a temas familiares, Familia y Educación es una de ellas.

Los artículos que aparecen en proceden tanto de información de interés publicada en Internet como de una amplia red de colaboradores en los que se encuentran padres de familia, profesionales de la educación, médicos, orientadores familiares, ...

Características destacables

Idioma: Castellano

Secciones más interesantes: padres, hijos, acción tutorial, opinión, recursos ...

Artículos más destacados: bulling, violencia en las aulas; la crisis de los 40; la motivación en la educación ...

En internet desde: 2004

Artículos publicados: 260

¿A quien va dirigida?: padres, profesores y educadores

Buscando por Internet

Buscando por Internet es un blog cuyo objetivo es recopilar una serie de webs y blogs interesantes que se encuentran en Internet.

Es una colección de enlaces en las que encontrarás todo tipo de páginas. En cada enlace habrá una breve comentario sobre lo más destado que ofrece, en mi opinión, el blog o la web analizada.

Conforme vaya incluyendo enlaces irán apareciendo nueva categorías, para que la búsqueda sea más sencilla.

Espero que te pueda ser útil.

Dual Matrix sequel reports 'a hoax'

Just the other day I've posted a report claiming that Matrix 4 & 5 are on its way, but unfortunately, it turn out to be that the news were nothing more than a hoax.

Administrators at the London school have come forth to say Keanu Reeves didn't even have a scheduled appearance there at all this week. Whoever it was who started this story was just making stuff up out of thin air.

After the school denied the story, Reeves's people did as well, saying the reports were completely bogus and there is no official word on any continuation to the Matrixmovie franchise.

The initial rumor said that not only was The Matrix 4 on the way, and set to be filmed in 3D, but there were already plans for The Matrix 5 to come out as well.

The report also suggested that movie producers had been in talks with James Cameron to get tips about how to create the best 3D movie experience. Cameron hasn't responded to that apparently bogus claim but it's pretty clear now that that hasn't happened.

So, unfortunately, your dreams of seeing a Matrix movie filmed in 3D may not be as close to reality as it seemed just a couple days ago. Oh well...

Source: Stuff

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cosplay in Brunei

Last Sunday (30th Jan 2011), an article about coplaying in Brunei have been published in The Brunei Times.

Quotes from the article, "YOU don't have to be a superhero to have an alter-ego these days. All it takes is a little ingenuity, free time and some handiwork and you're ready to disguise yourself as whoever you want to be. Okay, maybe a costume would be better to have but at least in the times we are in now, we would not feel as silly as when we used to tie a blanket around our necks when we were kids.

Cosplay, a name that is now generalises individuals all around the world who dress themselves up as either cartoon-like characters or even near movie-accurate costumes.

The word cosplay initially derives from the combination of the words "costume play" which is basically is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea.

Brunei has its own collective of cosplay individualists who have secretly walked amongst us, displaying their passion and devotion to the activity. Recently, a small group of "cosplayers" sat down with The Brunei Times to shed some more light on the shroud that surrounds the public eye on Cosplay and their own agendas behind the world spreading trend."

You can read the full article HERE.

And you can also check past cosplaying activities that have been covered by me... here are the list:
DevMeet Gathering 2009 Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3
and the latest one, New Year Eve Gathering at JP.

Other than that, there are also appearances by the 501st Legion Malaysia-Brunei Outpost...
They also made a special appearance during the AVE Reopening

Henry Cavill Será el Nuevo 'Superman'!

Warner Bros. y el director Zack Snyder han elegido al actor Henry Cavill para interpretar a Clark Kent/ Superman en el próximo reinicio de la franquicia del super famoso superhéroe. A pesar de que, recientemente, se rumoreaba con fuerza que el actor Joe Manganiello era el principal candidato, Cavill fue siempre una opción muy fuerte para el estudio, pero nunca se mencionó si en realidad estaba siendo considerado para el proyecto.
De todos modos, él estuvo en la línea final de casting por mucho tiempo, pero el jefe de Warner, Jeff Robinov, recientemente llegó a ver sus pruebas de pantalla. Y de ahí la decisión.

Aquí está el comunicado de prensa con citas del director Zack Snyder:

Henry Cavill obtiene el papel de Clark Kent/ Superman en la nueva película del Superhéroe:

WARNER BROS. Pictures y Legendary Pictures

Warner Bros. Pictures y Legendary Pictures anunció hoy que Henry Cavill ha ganado el codiciado papel del superhéroe icónico, Superman.

Zack Snyder, quien dirigirá la película, declaró: "En el panteón de los superhéroes, Superman es el personaje más reconocido y venerado de todos los tiempos, y me siento muy honrado de ser responsable de su regreso a la pantalla grande. También me sumo a Warner Bros., Legendary Pictures y a los productores en decir lo emocionados que estamos por la elección de Henry. Es el candidato perfecto para ponerse la capa y el escudo "S".

Charles Roven, Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan y Deborah Snyder son los productores de la película. El guión fue escrito por David S. Goyer, basado en una historia de Goyer y Nolan. Thomas Tull y Lloyd Phillips son los productores ejecutivos.

Cavill recientemente terminó la filmación de 'The Cold Light of Day' y protagoniza la próxima 'Immortals', que llegará a los cines norteamericanos en otoño.

Planeada para se estrenada en diciembre de 2012, la nueva película de 'Superman' será distribuida mundialmente por Warner Bros. Pictures, una compañía Warner Bros. Entertainment.

Muchas Fotos Desde el Rodaje de 'Spider-Man'!

Muchas fotos desde el rodaje del reboot de 'Spider-Man', dirigida por Marc Webb, llegan a nuestro alcance para poder apreciar mejor el disfraz y la máscara. Imagenes gracias a On Location News (via Coming Soon). A mí me gusta, pero: ¿Qué dicen ustedes?

'Spider-Man' llegará a los cines en 3D y 2D el 3 de julio de 2012.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mark Ruffalo No Será Hulk A través del "Motion-Capture" en 'The Avengers'?

El actor y doble de acción, Brandon Molale, escribió en su cuenta de Twitter algo intrigante ayer, indicando que él audicionó para ser 'Hulk' a través de capturas de movimientos y CGI. Este es el mensaje que publicó Molale:

"Mi vida: Una audición para interpretar a Hulk (captura de movimiento) en la nueva película 'The Avengers'. Es un trabajo muy cool."

La noticia contradice un informe recibido en septiembre, donde Mark Ruffalo, quien interpretará a Bruce Banner en Los Vengadores, reveló que no sólo daría vida al científico Bruce Banner, también prestaría su cuerpo para conseguir las capturas de movimiento necesarias para traer a Hulk a la vida en CGI. Esto es lo que dijo Mark Ruffalo en septiembre:

"Estoy muy emocionado. Nadie ha interpretado a Hulk completamente, siempre lo han hecho de CGI. Ellos (el equipo de producción de la película) van usar la tecnología stop-action, stop-motion para capturar movimientos, al igual que en 'Avatar'. Así que en realidad voy a ser Hulk. Será divertido."

Parece que Mark Ruffalo ya no interpretará a Hulk en la faceta CGI. Pero, es posible que Brandon Molale de vida a Hulk a través de las capturas de movimientos para algunas escenas riesgosas, y que Mark Ruffalo también lo interprete en partes no tan "movidas" de la película.

'The Avengers' cuenta con las actuaciones de Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, Clark Gregg, Tom Hiddleston. La película será dirigida por Joss Whedon y llegará a los cines el 4 de mayo de 2012.

BoA to make Hollywood debut

Korean pop star BoA is adding her name to the growing list of domestic celebrities launching in Hollywood, with her film "Cobu 3D", SM Entertainment announced Friday.

The 24-year-old singer will debut opposite American reality TV star Derek Hough, one of the champions on "Dancing with the Stars". Duane Adler, writer of "Save the Last Dance" and "Step Up", will direct his original screenplay, alongside producer Robert Cort ("Jumanji", "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure").

"Cobu 3D" tells the tale of two dancers from opposite worlds, who find romance in an underground New York club despite their gangs' rivalry. The film looks to differentiate itself from the recent slew of dance films by focusing on a solid storyline and incorporating a diversity of styles ― hip hop, swing, tap ― according to the press release.

Shooting begins in Toronto and New York this spring, the work is set for release in 2012. Lionsgate International will handle overseas distribution, while CJ Entertainment manages Korea, Japan and China.

The film will begin pre-sales at the February Berlin International Film Festival.

The Angry Birds are Flying to Rio

ANGRY BIRDS, Rovio’s blockbuster smart phone and tablet game that has become a global cultural sensation, and RIO, one of the year’s most anticipated motion picture events, are joining forces to create a new game, ANGRY BIRDS RIO – representing a first-of-its-kind game development partnership between Rovio and Twentieth Century Fox. The announcement was made today by Mikael Hed, CEO at Rovio Mobile, which created ANGRY BIRDS, and Peter Levinsohn, president of new media and digital distribution for Twentieth Century Fox, which releases RIO in theaters worldwide on April 15.

This unique spin-off of ANGRY BIRDS will take flight around the world in March, coinciding with RIO’s gala world premiere event. To celebrate the partnership and give fans a sneak preview of the story surrounding ANGRY BIRDS RIO, Rovio and Fox have posted a video (view below!)

"ANGRY BIRDS RIO is a match made in heaven for a mobile application and a major motion picture, and this collaboration with Fox is definitely one the most exciting partnerships we have entered into with the ANGRY BIRDS brand to date," said Mr. Hed. "In addition to expanding the horizons of two fantastic entertainment brands and creating a great new gaming experience, we have also taken the concept of combining a mobile application and motion picture promotion to an entirely new level."

“In partnering with Rovio, we are combining the world’s hottest application developer with one of the motion picture industry’s premier creative forces to introduce the millions of fans of ANGRY BIRDS to the exciting world of RIO,” said Mr. Levinsohn. “Our relationship with Rovio is another great example of Fox Digital Entertainment’s continuing work to extend our content to a variety of digital platforms.”

In ANGRY BIRDS RIO, the original Angry Birds are kidnapped and taken to the magical city of Rio, where they eventually escape their captors and set out to save their friends, Blu and Jewel – two rare macaws and the stars of the upcoming Fox motion picture, RIO. Like the incredibly-popular original edition, ANGRY BIRDS RIO will feature hours of gameplay, physics-based demolition challenges and loads of replay value – all with unique twists based on the highly-anticipated film.

ANGRY BIRDS RIO will launch with 45 dedicated levels and will regularly add new levels via app updates. The game will be available for download on smart phones and tablets worldwide.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Figura de Colección de Hot Toys de 'Thor'!

Gracias a SpiderMedia tenemos fotos y detalles sobre esta increíble figura de colección que muchos de nosotros quisieramos poseer.

Hot Toys - MMS146 - Thor: Figura de Colección limitada escala 1/6th.

~ MMS Series ~
Hot Toys se enorgullece en presentar la figura de colección de otro superhéroe de Marvel Studios: Thor, la figura de colección de edición limitada de 1/6th. La figura de colección basada en el superhéroe de la película cuenta con una precisión diseñada especialmente sobre la base del actor Chris Hemsworth, quien interpreta a Thor en la película, destacando la muy bien especulpida figura de la cabeza , los detalles del vestuario, accesorios y armas.

Thor, la figura de colección de edición limitada de escala 1/6th, características:

-Semejanza detallada en Chris Hemsworth como Thor en la película de 'Thor'.
-Aproximadamente 30 cm de altura.
-Más de 30 puntos de articulación
-Expresiónes faciaesl, arrugas y otros, detallados, textura de la piel y barba.
-Las esculturas del cabello pueden ser separadas para llevar el casco.
-Tres (3) pares de manos intercambiables entre ellos.
-Un (1) par de puños (puño derecho enguantado)
-Un (1) par de manos relajadas (mano derecha enguantada)
-Un (1) par para sostener el martillo (mano derecha enguantada)
-Cada pieza esculpida de la cabeza fue especialmente pintada a mano.

-Un (1) capa extraíble de color rojo.
-Un (1) perchera de color negro con estampado de color plateado con mangas largas.
-Un (1) armadura oscura de cuerpo de color azul con placas de círculo de color plateado en la parte delantera.
-Un (1) par de pantalones de color negro.
-Un (1) par de botas de color negro con rayas rojas en la parte posterior.

-Un (1) martillo auténtico de metal, exacto al original.

-Un (1) casco, usado en la película.
-Un (1) par de protectores de antebrazos con una tela roja en el interior.
-Una placa para exhibición de Thor con el logotipo de la película.

-Cabeza Esculpida por GOX - Jea Eom Sung
-Jefe pintado por JC. Hong
-Jefe de Arte dirigida por Kojun

Este es un prototipo de muestra, el producto final puede ser ligeramente diferente.

Fecha de venta: Q2 de 2011

'Thor' llega a los cines el 6 de mayo y el 28 de abril en latinoamérica.

The Lost Bladesman Poster

Synopsis: During the warring period of the three kingdoms, ancient China is in turmoil. To unify the country general CAO CAO, the real power behind the emperor, enlists the aid of the greatest warrior in the land Guan Yun Chang (Donnie Yen). However, Guan is a loyal friend of Cao’s enemy Liu Bei. To persuade the peerless warrior to fight, Cao takes his beloved Qi Lan hostage. After leading Cao Cao's forces to victory Guan Yun Chang sets out with Qi Lan to rejoin Liu Bei. But now Cao has deemed him too great a threat to live, and on the journey he must face all the forces at the emperor's command sent to destroy him.


The performance of a digital camera is largely determined by three key components: the lens, the image sensor (CMOS or CCD), and the image processor. The image sensor, which takes the light entering the camera through the lens and converts it into electrical signals, can be compared to the film used in a traditional film camera, while the image processor “develops” the image. If any one of these three components is of substandard quality, it will negatively affect the images that the camera produces. Canon, which has been making cameras for over 70 years, develops its own lens units and CMOS sensors in-house, and has for some years now also been designing its own image processors: the DIGIC digital image processors.

The evolution of the DIGIC image processor has been the result of an ongoing search for higher and higher levels of image quality and faster speeds. DIGIC 4, which Canon began using in its camera products in the fall of 2008, represents the sixth generation of DIGIC processors. Compared with first-generation DIGIC processors, device performance has improved 50-fold in the space of just 10 years.
Today’s DIGIC image processor does more than mere image processing: It controls a wide range of functions and circuits, including automatic exposure control, exposure mode control, image file compression/playback control, LCD display control, and more. All of these functions are contained in a single-chip system large-scale integrated circuit (LSI), and the same image-processing platform can be used in any Canon digital camera, including the Digital ELPH/IXUS and PowerShot series of compact digital cameras, and the EOS digital SLR (single-lens reflex) camera series.

One could say that DIGIC is the “brain” of Canon digital cameras. DIGIC 4, the latest version of the DIGIC digital image processor, provides dramatic improvements in terms of image quality and processing speed. So how have these advances in processor design been achieved? We talked to four members of the DIGIC 4 development team to find out more.



Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flu Update

Starting to feel better, perhaps I'll be up to being out and about with my camera by the weekend.

The Story Of 'Idol' Contestant Chris Medina

In October 2009, only two months before they were supposed to wed, Chris's 23-year-old fiancée Juliana Ramos sustained a traumatic brain injury in a horrific car crash and lapsed into a lengthy coma. She has yet to recover from her massive, life-changing injuries, and since the accident, Chris has dedicated himself to being her caretaker. "What kind of guy would I be if I walked out when she needed me the most?" he explained.

Even in a season already packed with sob stories, this one was a doozy--in fact maybe the sobbiest sob story in all 10 "Idol" seasons. Even class-clown judge Steven Tyler became visibly choked up when Chris brought the wheelchair-bound Juliana into the audition room to say hello, hugging her and telling her through tears, "That's why he sings so good, because he sings to you."

It was a TV moment that would seemingly melt the heart of even toughie Simon Cowell. But in an "Idol" age of general sob-story fatigue, after seasons of cancer survivors, foster kids, orphans, and struggling single parents, some nasty blogs and commenters are now accusing Chris of exploiting his misfortune--or, more specifically, Juliana's--to further his musical career. It's far from the first time such accusations have been thrown around regarding "Idol"--another Milwaukee contestant, young widower Danny Gokey, who frequently spoke about his deceased wife Sofia, comes to mind.

And I suppose I see such points. Let's face it, Chris's audition was good, but not great. He was far from the best singer of the night. We wouldn't even be talking about him now if it weren't for Juliana's tragic tale. What was memorable about him wasn't his song, or his voice, or his stage presence. It was his back story. But TV producers love this sort of tearjerking tale and the buzz it creates. So if any exploitation was perpetrated, the producers are probably to blame, not Chris.

Additionally, there's the issue of who will care for Juliana if Chris competes in Hollywood for months, or that his band back home is unfortunately named the Able Body, or that the moment when Juliana was wheeled into the audition room, looking confused and unable to communicate, was a bit uncomfortable to watch. But you know what? Sometimes LIFE is uncomfortable. It's not always pretty or easy. Really now, if Chris was such a jerk, as his detractors claim, then he would have abandoned Juliana months ago. Very few men Chris's age would have the courage and character to stick by her like he has. Perhaps what makes some viewers uncomfortable is the nagging realization that they might not be so noble if they were in his shoes.

Even a quick look at the Laurus Foundation webpage set up to collect donations for Juliana's medical expenses, or the "For Juliana" Facebook tribute page co-run by Chris and Juliana's mother, Janet Barnes, indicates that Chris is the real deal. This week on the Facebook page, Janet blogged:

"There is a man in our lives that has risen from a crisis to be a hero. You know that already because I have said it a hundred times in a hundred ways through this blog. Our very own Chris Medina has spent days and nights, losing blood, sweat and oh yes A LOT of tears to beg his fiancée back to health. And through it all he has become deeper, more centered, and an even more soulful individual. This has been witnessed by all of us from his mannerisms to his music. If you didn't love him before, you do now. If you DID love him, you now adore him."

Clearly much, if not all, of America now adores Chris too. It remains to be seen if he can win this thing--like I said, his voice is not the best of the bunch--but if his "Idol" audition draws attention to Juliana's cause and helps them build a better future together, then that's a good thing. Just check out this video Chris made on what was supposed to have been his wedding day, for a song titled "What Has Become of Me" that he wrote while Juliana was still in the hospital:

Red Riding Hood 2nd Trailer

Camel On High

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Official Thundercats Design Released

Roaring to life through WBA and Studio4°C’s use of the Japanese animated artistry of anime, “ThunderCats” characters Lion-O, Mumm-Ra, Panthro, Cheetara and others will spring off the screen with realistic cat-like characteristics inconceivable in previous incarnations.

The new “ThunderCats” will appeal to viewers who have loved the characters all their lives as well as young newcomers to the franchise. A sweeping tale combining swords and science and boasting ferocious battles with the highest of stakes, the grand origin story of Prince Lion-O’s ascension to the throne – and of those who would thwart his destiny at any cost – takes on epic dimensions in this sharp new telling. As the forces of good and evil battle each other in the quest for the fabled Stones of Power, Lion-O and his champions learn valuable lessons of loyalty, honor and mortality in every episode.

“ThunderCats” is executive produced by Sam Register (“Teen Titans,” “Ben 10,” “Batman: The Brave and the Bold”). Michael Jelenic (“Batman: The Brave and the Bold,” “Wonder Woman”) and Ethan Spaulding (“Avatar: The Last Airbender”) are the producers.

While the photos below were taken by a poster of Thundercats Lair Message Board, which he took from a London Toy Fair.

Ricoh unveils CX5 compact superzoom

RICOH COMPANY, LTD: (helmed by president and CEO Shiro Kondo) will be releasing its newly developed CX5 digital camera model with its wide-angle, high magnification 10.7x optical zoom (28–300 mm) lens, which has a higher autofocus speed due to the use of Ricoh's new hybrid AF system.

With the new CX5 model, AF focusing times are decreased to as low as 0.2 sec. for both wide-angle 28 mm and telephoto 300 mm, up to half as short compared to the CX4, using Ricoh's unique new hybrid AF system.

This ensures that you reliably capture the image you were waiting for, never to miss another good shot again.

Using super-resolution technology, the CX5 also allows (1) recording of images with improved resolution using the "Super-resolution" setting and (2) telephoto shooting at up to 600 mm equivalent with minimal degradation in image quality using "Super-resolution Zoom."

Furthermore, in addition to the new Cooking, Fireworks, and Continuous Golf Swing scene modes, the CX5 has improved features that make shooting photographs even more fun through the use of super-resolution zoom during Zoom Macro mode shooting and other functions.

The CX5 is an even more enhanced compact digital camera that was designed based on the concept of it being "a tool that you will find yourself wanting to use every day."

Available in three colors: Black, Silver, and Pink.