Saturday, December 25, 2010

Imams warn against excessive behaviour in new year celebrations

MUSLIMS in the nation were were advised not to involve in celebrating the New Year as being practised by other cultures and religion because it may tarnish their aqidah (faith).

In the sermon read by imams throughout the country yesterday said that it is human nature to enjoy world luxuries and entertainments such as properties, wealth, money and children, as well as food and drinks.

But as Muslims, we must understand the right ways of seeking entertainments, the sermon said.

It added that entertainment and amusement were among the things favoured by non-Muslims.

It is undeniable that the new year's celebration is one of the major celebrations in the international calendar, the sermon said, adding that each year, numerous events and big-scale celebrations are held as non-Muslims welcome the following new year.

"However, it has come to our attention that Muslims are also taking part in these celebrations," the sermon said.

"Celebrating the new year is actually not the culture of Muslims, and not a major event in the Islamic calendar, unlike the Hijrah New Year, Mauludur Rasul, Isra' Mikraj, the fasting month of Ramadhan, Nuzul Al-Quran, Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Hari Raya Aidil Adha."

The sermon went on to say that the coming of the new year is a celebration that is being celebrated in countries where Islam is not their main religion.

Various kinds of events are often held to enliven the celebration such as parties, which often accompanied by singings, dancing and many other entertainments while waiting for highlight of the celebration, the countdown to the new year.

When the clock struck 12 midnight, revellers will be shouting and screaming to welcome the new year, said the sermon.

During the parties to usher in the new year, negative and immoral acts may take place, such as the uncontrolled mixing between men and women as well as other forms of entertainment that is not conforming to the Islamic values and jeopardising the dignity of the religion.

"This sort of acts can mar our aqidah, and as Muslims we should not follow things that can destroy our faith," the sermon reminded congregants.

Muslims were also urged to strengthen their aqidah and not to take it lightly as the right aqidah is the key to ensure that their ibadah (act of worship) is accepted by Allah (SWT)

Aqidah is crucial as the foundation of religious duties and only aqidah will be able to keep a Muslim soul on the right track, the sermon added.

Source: The Brunei Times

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