Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Harassed by boom boom noise

Taken from Borneo Bulletin Opinion Page Dated 01/12/2010

For the past two weeks we have been hearing loud thumping music within the vicinity of Kiulap or Pusar Ulak.

This is densely residential area and I am very sure that the poor patients in nearby RIPAS hospital are within the booming noise radius.

It has kept us from sleeping and making us palpitate instead. Meanwhile it has disturbed my 6month old daughter's sleep.

I resent this intrusion and very angry that such inconsiderate neighbours are among us. I know this is a common problem all over Brunei and your paper does so well in highlighting this problem.

Please don't stop as we wait and hope for the authorities to impose laws that ban such wide spread noise pollution.

While waiting for help we can only pray and perform Doa for these people to realise their mistake and stop their selfishness.

- Anti-noise, BSB

I myself is also into car audio system, but at the same time, I'm also appalled at the attitude of some other car audio enthusiast... yes, being loud is fun... but please try to respect other people too... when you're in a residential area, respect the people living there as they might want to have some peace and quiet rest... i know, some of you might argue that there are other cars and/or bikes exhaust system that are far more louder than your car audio system, but that doesn't give you the excuse to ignore the comfort of other people... don't be selfish and don't let your ignorance to force the authority to force a ban on car audio system!

I have no problem with being loud, but be loud responsibly!

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