Saturday, January 30, 2010

U. S. Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel III

Interior of the Protestant Chapel

". . . The chancel (altar area) is set off by a crescent-shaped, varicolored reredos behind the altar. The 14- by 45-foot reredos represents the arms of God ready to receive anyone who goes there in prayer. Semiprecious stones from Colorado and pietra santa marble from Italy cover its 1,260 square-foot area.

A sleek marble slab 15 feet long, formed in the shape of ship symbolizing the church, is the holy table, or altar. Four travertine marble legs support the table.

The focal point of the chancel is the cross suspended over it. Constructed of aluminum, the cross is 46 feet, 2 inches high, 12 feet wide and weighs 1,200 pounds.

Surrounding the curved steps of the altar are 12 kneelers done in needle-point by officers wives' clubs throughout the Air Force. Each kneeler, except one, contains a cross seen in the historical development of representative art within the Protestant church... " cite

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