Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Heart touching pictures

We must always be thankful to God for giving us healthy body, roof over our head, education for our children, food on the table where in many parts of the world these are uncertainties

Amidst Rain and Wind
Your elderly mother and little children are waiting for you to come home
With the day's wages.

Mothers' Love
Mothers and their children .
This is life.

Together, through Warm and Cold
(Photographer: An Hejie. Market Place, Town of Chifeng , Inner Mongolia)
Beyond the northern ( Inner Mongolia ) frontier, spring has arrived but the
Cold weather lingered on. Snow fell on this April morning. Flakes danced
In the sky. A middle-aged man tended to his cart, on which sat a little
Boy, wrapped up with blanket used to keep the vegetables from freezing.
>From time to time, the father would tuck at the blanket to make sure that
His son was all right. These are the words from the photographer: "Set in
The dark and shadowy background and the dancing snow flakes, the pink
Puffy face of the little boy stood out in great contrast to that of the
Father which was apparently shaped by the caprices of life. And life was
Indeed harsh. Father and son only have each other for support. When the
Father yelled out a sales pitch on top of his voice, his facial expression
Was shockingly touching. One cannot help but be moved."

The father and his son live in an impoverished hilly area.. They demand
Nothing but a piece of land to call their own. Perhaps they will not have
A chance to see the outside world all their lives -- they will not know
What a staircase is, they will never ride in a taxi, nor will they ever
Step into a movie theater. But the truth is these are the people who offer
Us everything our lives depend on, generation after generation. The heaven
And earth have nothing to repay them. Love them!

Spirit to live
No rose, no diamond ring, but if this is not love, what is love?
With enthusiasm, love your life! Love the people around you!

When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look, you most likely turned your back on the world.
Be thankful for what we have. Love your life & appreciate the people around you.
Most people walk in and out of our life ...... But FRIENDS leave footprints in our heart.

Related Post:
Labor Of Love
Natural Disaster at Chile
Picture after an earthquake in china
Please don't waste your food
Financial Crisis

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