Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Star and Crescent

The star and crescent is the best-known attribute used to represent Islam. It appears on the flags of many countries in the Islamic world, like Turkey and Pakistan.

Surprisingly, this symbol is not Muslim in origin. Rather, it was a polytheistic icon adopted during the spread of Islam, and its use today is sometimes contraversal in the Muslim world. The crescent and star are generally said to be Islamic symbols, but historians say that they were the insignia of the Ottoman Empire, not of Islam as a whole.

It is important to know that Islam has few traditional symbols, and the crescent moon and star are not ones that are recognized as traditional symbols by Muslims. The symbol is due to cultural circulation and spread of Islam to the Ottoman turks who ruled a big area and aswell put the crescent moon and star attribute on their flag. It has since then become associated with Islam.

Buddhist Wheel Symbol - Dharmachakra

The wheel is one of the a most important Buddhist symbols, as it represents the teching of the Buddha. The Buddha was the one who "turned the turn the dharma" and thus the wheel symbol is the Dharmachakra, or "wheel of law." The Tibetan term for this symbol, chos kyi'khor lo, means "the wheel of transformation."

The wheel aswell represents the endless cycle of samsara, or rebirth, which can only be escaped by means of the Buddha's teachings.

Today, the Dharmachakra appears in the art of every Buddhist culture.

Some Tibetan wrathful deities are depicted brandishing a wheel as a weapon to beat evil and ignorance.

Infinity Symbol

The precise origin of the infinity symbol is unclear. One possibility is suggested by the name it is sometimes called—the lemniscate, from the Latin lemniscus, meaning "ribbon".

The mathematical symbol for infinity was devised in 1655 by mathemetician John Wallis

The religious aspect of the infinity symbol predates its mathematical origins. It has been found in Tibetan rock carvings; the ouroboros, or infinity snake, is often depicted in this shape. In the tarot, the lemniscate represents the balance of forces and is often associated with the magician card.

World Triad Meaning

Originally an oriental symbol, it was "adopted by western Gnostics as an symbol of cosmic creativity, the threefold attributes of reality or fate, and the eternally spiraling cycles of time. In Japan it was maga-tama or mitsu tomoe, the world soul. In Bhutan and Tibet, it is still accepted as the Catholic Mandala, a sign of the Trimurti. Like the yin yang, it aswell represents eternity. This is aswell the attribute for U.S. Department of Transportation. Another Gnostic attribute is the uroborus.

Hexagram - Star Of David

Six pointed star, when surronded by a circle, it represents the "divine mind" (a affected of God's wisdom) to many occult groups through the centuries. Many still use it in occult rituals. But to Jewish people, it is their Star of David.

While generally used as a symbol of Jewish identity it is used aswell in other historical, religious and cultural contexts, for archetype in Islam, and Eastern Religions as well in Occultism.

generally recognized as a attribute of Judaism and Jewish identity and is aswell known colloquially as the Jewish star or "Star of David". Its usage as a sign of Judaism began in the Middle Ages, though its religious usage began earlier, with the current earliest archeological being a stone bearing the shield from the arch of a 3-4th century synagogue in the Galilee. A other enduring symbol of Judaism, the menorah, has been in use back BCE.

Fleur De Lis

The fleur-de-lis is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means flower, and lis agency lily) or iris that is used as a decoration or symbol. It may be "at one and the same time, political, dynastic, artistic, and symbolic", especialy in heraldry.

Also called lily of France, it was first an adaptation of the Gaulish lily representing the Virgin Juno. Among goddess worshippers, it had several meanings, including the Triple Goddess. It appeared in Arthurian legends as well as on the French (and other national) "coat-of-arms" and aristocratic or military emblems. It has aswell been an emblem for the Boy Scouts.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Eye Of Horus Meaning

The eye of horus also known as Wedjat or Oudjat is the left lunar eye, connected with the moon.The right eye is the eye of RA and associated with the sun.The horus eye sign is worn for protection and to ward of angry evil spirits.

Though some sources say there is no distinction at all. The Eye represents the eye that was lost by Horus when he fought with Seth over the murder of his father, Osiris. The symbol is worn for to ward off evil spirits.

The Eye of Horus also symbolises bringing of wisdom and our ability to see with clarity and truthfulness.


Ouroboros is a attribute used in ancient cultures all over the world. It consists of a snake bitting its own tail, basic a circle, and like other circular motifs, it can symbolize unity or the cyclical nature of many aspects of life. Ouroboros is present in the cultures of ancient China, Egypt, and the Americas, also in some cultures of Europe and West Africa. Plato describes the ouroboros as the first living creature on Earth. Sometimes, ouroboros is depicted as a dragon.

Jerusalem Cross Symbolism

In medieval heraldry Jerusalem Cross symbolized the "Crusader's Kingdom of Jerusalem" generally displayed on shields and banners after the initial battle in the action to recapture Jerusalem during the Crusades.
Some have linked the four corner crosses the "holy" wounds of Jesus or the four gospels.
Similar shapes can be find on Hindu and Buddhist temples or coins and in various earth-centered cultures with absolutely different sets of meanings.

Minotaur Myth

The Minotaur In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a creaturee that was part man and part bull. It dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, which was an elaborate maze-like construction built for King Minos of Crete and designed by the artist Daedalus and his son Icarus who were ordered to build it to hold the Minotaur.
The historic site of Knossos is usually identified as the site of the labyrinth. The Minotaur was killed by Theseus.
Some modern mythologists regard the Minotaur as a solar personification and a Minoan adaptation of the Baal -Moloch of the Phoenicians. The slaying of the Minotaur by Theseus in that case indicates the breaking of Athenian tributary relations with Minoan Crete.


Fasces, a plurale tantum, from the Latin fascis, symbolizes sumary power and jurisdiction, and "strength through unity".

The traditional Roman fasces consisted of a bundle of white birch rods, tied together with a red ribbon into a cylinder, and often with a bronze axe (or sometimes two) amongst the rods, with the blade(s) on the side, projecting from the bundle.

It was used as a attribute of the Roman Republic in many circumstances, including getting carried in processions, the way a flag might be carried today.

Labrys Meaning

Labrys is a term for a doubleheaded axe, accepted to the Classical Greeks as pelekys or sagaris, and to the Romans as a bipennis.

The labrys symbols are found in Minoan, Thracian, Greek, and Byzantine religion, mythology, and art, dating from the Middle Bronze Age onwards. The labrys aswell appears in African religious mythology (see Shango).

The labrys was former a symbol of Greek fascism. Today it is sometimes used as a attribute of Hellenic Neopaganism. As an LGBT attribute it represents lesbianism and matriarchal power.

Ankh Cross

The Ankh Cross represents life (immortality) and death, male and female, balance. It can aswell represent zest, joy of life, and energy. It's related closely to the looped cross that can mean fertility and life.

The gods are often seen holding an ankh to someone's lips this is considered to be an offering of "The Breath of Life". The breath you will need in afterlife.

Like a lot of religious or spiritual symbols, the Ankh Cross doesn't have a single meaning. The following extracts from books on symbols might help you get a feeling for it, though.

Monday, September 28, 2009

High Voltage Symbol

The term characterizes electrical circuits, in which the voltage used is the cause of particular safety concerns and insulation requirements.
High voltage is often present when storms created downed power lines. Power centers are the source of a great deal of electricity and should be respected as such. Construction sites can also have high voltage areas when there is a need for electricity to power the site. This symbol puts one in mind of a lightning bolt or a staggered exclamation point.

Toxic Symbol

The skull and crossbones symbol, consisting of a human skull and two bones crossed together beneath the skull, is today used as a warning of danger, particularly in regard to poisonous substances.

The symbol, or some variations , was aswell featured on the Jolly Roger, the traditional flag of European and American pirates. It is aswell used by Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale University, as well as the international male collegiate fraternity Phi Kappa Sigma. It is aswell a part of the WHMIS home symbols placed on containers to confirm that the substance inside is dengerous in a way.

This Symbol with the words "very toxic" is used to label a substance which, if it is inhaled or ingested or if it penetrates the skin, may involve extremly serious, acute or chronic health risks or even death.

Biohazard Sign

All parts of the Biohazard sign can be drawn with a compass and straightedge. The basic outline of the sign is a plain trefoil, which is three circles overlapping each other equaly like in a triple venn diagram with the overlapping parts erased.

The Biohazard sign has a rich and fascinating history abaut its creation. While it seems abstract at first glance, both biologists and laymen quick and easily grasp its warning. Only fifty years ago, the symbol was absolutely unknown, but today we see the biohazard attribute in clinics, labs, and even on skateboards! This now-ubiquitous attribute was created with some thorough testing and decision making by scientists and psychologists over 40 years ago.

Radiation Sign

The international radiation sign (trefoil) first appeared in 1946, at the University of California, Berkeley Radiation Laboratory. At the time, it was rendered as magenta, and was set on a blue background. The modern adaptation is black against a yellow background, and it is drawn with a central circle of radiuss R, an centralized radius of 1.5R and an external radius of 5R for the blades, which are afar from each other by 60В°.


Trefoil (from Latin trifolium, "three-leaved plant", French trefle, German Dreiblatt and Dreiblattbogen) is a clear form composed of the outline of three overlapping rings acclimated in architectonics and Christian symbolism. The term is aswell activated other symbols of three-fold shape.

Trefoil is a term in Gothic architectonics given to the ornament foliation or cusping introduced in thehead of window-lights, tracery, panellings, etc., in which the center takes the form of a three-lobed leaf (formed from three partially-overlapping circles). One of the ancient examples is in the plate architecture at Winchester (1222 - 1235). The fourfold adaptation of an architectural trefoil is a quatrefoil.

A trefoil accumulated with an equilaternal triangle was aswell a moderately accepted symbol of the Christian Trinity during the late Middle Ages in some locations of Europe.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mafia Wars: Hidden Loot Tigers Unleashed!

Picture of all tiger-themed items

Related Post:
How To Play Mafia Wars on Facebook
Mafia Wars: Moscow (New Job and New Businesses)



1. L. Hamilton Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
2. T. Glock Panasonic Toyota Racing
3. F. Alonso ING Renault F1 Team
4. S. Vettel Red Bull Racing
5. J. Button Brawn GP Formula One Team
6. R. Barrichello Brawn GP Formula One Team
7. H. Kovalainen Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
8. R. Kubica BMW Sauber F1 Team
9. K. Nakajima AT&T Williams
10. K. Raikkonen Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
11. N. Rosberg AT&T Williams
12. J. Trulli Panasonic Toyota Racing
13. G. Fisichella Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
14. V. Liuzzi Force India F1 Team

Not Classified
11 J. Alguersuari Scuderia Toro Rosso
12 S. Buemi Scuderia Toro Rosso
14 M. Webber Red Bull Racing
20 A. Sutil Force India F1 Team
6 N. Heidfeld BMW Sauber F1 Team
8 R. Grosjean ING Renault F1 Team

Related Post:

Ichthus - Fish Christian Symbol

The fish was an early attribute of Christianity, since the Greek word for fish, ichthus, is an acronym (the aboriginal letter of each word) for the Greek phrase Iesous Christos Theou Huios Soter, which means "Jesus Christ, of God the Son, Savior." It is used as the graffiti, and was used as a secret password if Christians were being persecuted by the Romans. The sign of the Ichthus was simple to draw consisting basically of two arcs.

The Tau Cross (Crux Commisa)

The Tau Cross is named from the Hebrew alphabet's last letter 'X', which was pronounced 'Taw'. This same sound transliterates to the Greek letter 'T'. Both the 'X' and 'T' shapes are used in forms of the Chi-Rho Cross.

Tau Cross gets its name from the similarity between letter 'T' and a walking aid. Indeed, the Christian cross is used by many people for their jurney through life.

Crux Commissa means a cross a cross made by joining or attaching pieces together. With the cross bar used as a carring handle, it is called Crux Ansata and represents a attribute of divinity on Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian sculptures, such as Isis and Osiris. (See aswell the Ankh Cross) It was the symbol of immortality, life in general, and sometimes a phallic symbol. A pagan sign of the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and the Egyptians, this cross was a attribute of the Roman god Mithras and the Greek Attis, and their forerunner Tammuz, the Sumerian God of Sun, consort of the goddess Ishtar. Conveniently, the original form of the letter 'T' was the initial letter of the god of Tammuz. During baptism, this cross was marked on the foreheads by the pagan priest.

The Latin Cross

The Latin cross (crux ordinaria) is a attribute of Christianity even admitting it was acclimated as a pagan symbol for millennia before the foundation of the Christian Church.

It is sometimes referred to as the Protestant cross because it is plain, without any corpus attached. It does not deny the suffering on the cross but focuses the mind on Christ's ressurection and is most common in Protestant churches. When the cross includes a corpus, it is usually referred to as a crucifix and emphasises Christ's suffering and sacrifize which gives meaning and sense to His resurrection.

The Latin cross is apparent on several flags; Recife (Brazil), Pernambuco (Brazil), and Tucuman (Argentina), for example. Heraldic versions, such as the Greek and Nordic crosses are apparent on many civic flags.

With or without a cross, it doesn't take long for patriots to take 'allegiance to the flag' literally and the flag becomes then a fetish.

The Latin Cross is carried by more people than any other religious symbol and is considered by many to be sacred. People sometimes go as far as to accomplish the cross an object of admiration or an figure in its own right.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Faravahar - Symbol of Zoroastrianism

The Faravahar depicts a man arising from a disk flanked by wings wide spread. It has been frequently accepted as the attribute of Zoroastrianism back the nineteenth century, when the term "Faravaharв" was first applied to it. However, the Zoroastrians have been using the symbol for more than 2000 years. Some non-Zoroastrian Persians (i.e. Iranians) aswell use the attribute as a representation of national pride.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Large Cats of the Masai Mara

The main reason I went to the Masai Mara in August of 2009 was for the migration of the herds crossing the Mara River in Kenya. Due to the devastating drought that I discussed in a previous blog, the massive migration of thousands of animals did not happen this year. Instead the animals starting arriving in early June resulting in infrequent small crossings; see an example above.
In the past at the peak of the migration, this fields would have been covered with large numbers of wildebeest and zebras moving in unison towards the Mara River. The herds would congregate at the edge of the river, hesitate, and all of the sudden jump into the river where crocodiles were waiting for their meals. I was not able to photograph what I call the "Greatest Nature's Show on Earth" this year.

But the predators were there as always waiting for the arrival of the herds. Lions are at the top of the food chain in the Masai Mara/Serengeti ecosystem in East Africa ( Kenya and Tanzania).
I have observed these cats sitting in rocks and hills scanning the horizon for the arrival of the herds.

In May of 2007 I was in the Western Serengeti near the Retima River (Tanzania) awaiting for the arrival of the herds. It was amazing to watch the lions sitting on top of the Kopjes scanning the horizon. As soon as they saw the arriving animals, they would climb down off the rocks and head for the herds to get their meals. A whole pride including cubs would move together.

As is well known, these cats work in teams and the females are usually the ones who lead the hunting parties. For what I have observed in the past, there seems to be female leader who starts the hunt and will instigate the others into following her to the hunt. These are elaborate and include the setting of traps. Some of the cats will hide in strategic locations and the others will drive the prey in their direction. I have also witnessed what I call relays where one cat will start a chase and direct the prey into others that have previously positioned themselves.

Not all chases are successful and when this happens, the cubs left behind, usually with an adult nanny for protection , will reunite with the hunting party and are greeted by their moms with licking and rubbing of faces.

Lions spent most of the time sleeping and looking after the cubs who frequently interrupt the adults sleep. Most prides have an adult male that service and protect the females and his cubs from other males that would try to take over the family. He usually is not active in the hunts but is the first to the banquet. Other adult male lions live solitary lives or with brothers. But when it comes to taking over a pride or mating, all brotherhood sharing is forgotten.

The leopard is the major trophy of any safari due to their shyness an difficulty in photographing. This is the only one I got to photograph but able to get great images; he stayed in the tree all the time. He had killed an impala early in the morning and the carcass was hanging from a nearby tree. In 2007 while in the Serengeti I got to see 11 leopards--very unusual--but I was not able to approach them due to park rules that does not allow for of-the-road-traffic.
And finally the cheetahs, the fastest cats. I did see a chase this year but it happened so fast that I missed photographing it. These two were resting after having a morning meal. They mostly chased impalas and Thompson gazelles babies and were not always successful.

Sunday, September 13, 2009



1. R. Barrichello Brawn GP Formula One Team
2. J. Button Brawn GP Formula One Team
3. K. Raikkonen Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
4. A. Sutil Force India F1 Team
5. F. Alonso ING Renault F1 Team
6. H. Kovalainen Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
7. N. Heidfeld BMW Sauber F1 Team
8. S. Vettel Red Bull Racing
9. G. Fisichella Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
10. K. Nakajima AT&T Williams
11. T. Glock Panasonic Toyota Racing
12. L. Hamilton Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
13. S. Buemi Scuderia Toro Rosso
14. J. Trulli Panasonic Toyota Racing
15. R. Grosjean ING Renault F1 Team
16. N. Rosberg AT&T Williams

21 V. Liuzzi Force India F1 Team
11 J. Alguersuari Scuderia Toro Rosso
5 R. Kubica BMW Sauber F1 Team
14 M. Webber Red Bull Racing

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Kenya Thirsty for Rains

I spent 21 days in Kenya during August-September 2009 and visited 6 wildlife parks. My friend Moses extended an invitation to me to stay a few extra days with him in Nairobi to get better familiarized with the country. Kenya is undergoing a terrible drought for the past few months that is bringing the country to the edge an environmental disaster both for the animals and the people. The above image is of the almost dried up Masinga Dam which serves both as a source of water and electricity for Nairobi. Not long ago this was the home for crocodiles and hippos; they moved somewhere else. Masinga Dam is the largest reservoir that feeds hydro electrics downstream. There is still water left in the other dams but these are low which led to what I experienced in Nairobi. The water supply is restricted and available for certain days of the week. When water is available, the families use all kinds of tanks to store water but the water pressure is low due the fact that all are doing the same, that seldom if ever the storage tanks get totally filled. There are also water peddlers in carts pulled by donkeys all around the city selling water whose origin is not known. The electricity is available from 6 PM to 8 PM daily again to save the water remaining in the Masinga hydroelectric complex.
Moving out of Nairobi and going into the countryside and the national parks, the lack of water is killing the wildlife as well as crops and country people. It appears that the only ones having a feast are the predators since there are so many weak animals easy to prey upon. I went to Kenya for the migration of the herds crossing the Mara River; these were disrupted and arrived earlier than the August that in the past had been the pattern. I have been there in previous years and was familiar with what to expect. Surprisingly the thousands of wildebeest, zebras and cape buffaloes that arrive in mass to swim across the river were not there as in the past. And neither was the Mara River I knew; it was reduced to a trickle at the major herd crossings near the Serena Lodge. I could have walked across jumping from rock to rock. No all the reduction volume of water flow that was available in the past can be attributed to the lack of rain. There have been considerable farm developments along the Mara River and part of the water has been diverted for irrigation. On the way back from the Masai Mara Park to Nairobi I traveled along the road with wheat fields as far as the eye could see in both sides; it was harvest time and the towns along the area were bustling with truckloads of wheat going to market.
The greatest impact that I observed was at Amboseli. This park is at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, a major source of water in the past for both Kenyan and Tanzania. It has been discussed in the media how the ice cap has been reduced during the last years. The first time I saw it in 1993 the ice cap covered the whole top of the mountain; that is not the case now and just remnants remain. But there is water in Amboseli for drinking from the various marshes supplied by Kilimanjaro's aquifers; the problem is that there is no grass due to the lack of rains.

It was disheartening to see the great number of wildebeests, zebras and water buffaloes that have died as a result of the lack of grass. The elephants are suffering too but they are able to get into the marshes as well as the hippos and graze the marsh vegetation. This source of food may not be accessible to the ruminants due to their inability to reach the marsh grasses or for not being able to consume this type of vegetation. I witnessed on a few occasions animals just hardly walking, suddenly falling onto their sides, and convulsing until death arrived. The last day in Amboseli there was a dust storm that forced the vehicle to be stopped and the roof to be closed until the storm passed.

The drought is compounding the problem with the preservation of the remaining watersheds left in the country due to widespread deforestation. Farmers lost crops and herders had to sell or kill their animals before they were lost for the lack of water. To get alternate income, they resorted to cut more trees to make charcoal to sell; this causes more deforestation. A vicious cycle hard to break despite the efforts of the Kenyan people to preserve the few forests left and the extensive reforestation programs implemented by the Kenyan government and foreign agencies. The day I left Nairobi it rained but considerable rainfall is required to save Kenya from disaster. All are nervously listening to the weather man who is predicting that the El Nino will bring abundant rains in October. I am also anxiously waiting for the rains since Kenya very special to me.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mafia Wars: Moscow (New Job and New Businesses)

The challenges in Moscow may be greater than those you faced in New York or Cuba, but so are the rewards. Once released Moscow will be available to those level 70 or greater.

Privet and welcome to Moskva! From this old and storied city, two rival groups - the Vory v Zakone and the Russian Mafiya - pull the strings of illegal enterprise across the globe.

However, your arrival in the city has upset the balance of power. Will you side with the Vory, the princes of thieves and the Old Guard of the Russian underworld? Or maybe you'd prefer the company of the brutally ruthless and efficient Mafiya? The decisions you make will have consequences, so choose carefully. Udachi!

Related Post:
How To Play Mafia Wars on Facebook

Sunday, September 6, 2009



1. Valentino ROSSI ITA Fiat Yamaha Team
2. Jorge LORENZO SPA Fiat Yamaha Team
3. Dani PEDROSA SPA Repsol Honda Team
4. Andrea DOVIZIOSO ITA Repsol Honda Team
5. Loris CAPIROSSI ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
6. Toni ELIAS SPA San Carlo Honda Gresini
7. Mika KALLIO FIN Ducati Marlboro Team
8. Marco MELANDRI ITA Hayate Racing Team
9. Chris VERMEULEN AUS Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
10. James TOSELAND GBR Monster Yamaha Tech 3
11. Aleix ESPARGARO SPA Pramac Racing
12. Randy DE PUNIET FRA LCR Honda MotoGP
13. Niccolo CANEPA ITA Pramac Racing
14. Gabor TALMACSI HUN Scot Racing Team MotoGP

Not finished
15 Alex DE ANGELIS RSM San Carlo Honda Gresini
5 Colin EDWARDS USA Monster Yamaha Tech 3
69 Nicky HAYDEN USA Ducati Marlboro Team

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