Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reclamation de Droits au Gouvernement de Cuba

Demande que le gouvernement de Cuba

- La libération de prisonniers politiques à Cuba

- Levée de l'interdiction empêchant les Cubains à entrer et à quitter leur pays

- La levée de l'interdiction de l'accès à Internet pour les Cubains


Exigimos al gobierno Cubano:

- Libertad para los presos políticos.

- No prohibiciones que impiden a los cubanos entrar y salir de su país

- Libre acceso a Internet para los cubanos

We demand that the Cuban government:

- Release of political prisoners in Cuba

- Lift the ban preventing Cubans to enter and leave their country

- Lifting the bans on Internet access for Cubans


Chiediamo che il governo di Cuba

- Rilascio di prigionieri politici a Cuba

- Sollevare il divieto di prevenzione cubani di entrare e di lasciare il loro paese

- Sollevamento del divieto di accesso a Internet per i cubani


- Освобождение политических заключенных на Кубе

- Снять запрет предотвращения кубинцев на въезд в страну и покидать свою страну

- Отмена запрета на доступ в интернет для кубинцев

Exigimos que o governo cubano para:

- Libertação de presos políticos em Cuba

- Levantar a proibição impedir cubanos de entrar e sair do seu país

- Levantamento da proibição de acesso à Internet para os cubanos


όπου ζητούμε από την κουβανική κυβέρνηση να:

- Απελευθέρωση των πολιτικών κρατουμένων στην Κούβα

- Άρση της απαγόρευσης πρόληψη Κουβανούς να εισέλθουν και να εγκαταλείψουν τη χώρα τους

- Άρση της απαγόρευσης για την πρόσβαση στο Διαδίκτυο για Κουβανούς

On exigim al govern cubà a:

- Alliberar els presos polítics a Cuba

- Aixecar les prohibicions que impedeixen als cubans entrar i sortir del seu país

- Aixecar les prohibicions d'accés a Internet per als cubans

Général de la mobilisation sur le Web. En Cuba.

Nous appelons toutes les personnes et institutions qui défendent les droits civils dans le monde entier pour contribuer à la mobilisation du début de Juin, lundi prochain, lorsque nous exigeons que le gouvernement cubain à:

- La libération de prisonniers politiques à Cuba

- Levée de l'interdiction empêchant les Cubains à entrer et à quitter leur pays

- La levée de l'interdiction de l'accès à Internet pour les Cubains


Pedimos a todas las personas e instituciones defensoras de los derechos civiles en el mundo que contribuyan a la movilización del Primero de junio, lunes próximo, donde exigimos al gobierno cubano a:

- Liberar a los presos políticos en Cuba

- Levantar las prohibiciones que impiden a los cubanos entrar y salir de su país

- Levantar las prohibiciones de acceso a Internet para los cubanos


We call upon all persons and institutions that defend civil rights in the world to contribute to the mobilization on June 1st, next Monday, when we demand that the Cuban government:

- Release of political prisoners in Cuba

- Lift the ban preventing Cubans to enter and leave their country

- Lifting the bans on Internet access for Cubans


Invitiamo tutte le persone e le istituzioni che difendono i diritti civili nel mondo per contribuire alla mobilitazione dei primi di giugno, il prossimo Lunedi, in cui chiediamo che il governo cubano a:

- Rilascio di prigionieri politici a Cuba

- Sollevare il divieto di prevenzione cubani di entrare e di lasciare il loro paese

- Sollevamento del divieto di accesso a Internet per i cubani


Мы призываем всех лиц и учреждений, связанных с защитой гражданских прав во всем мире внести свой вклад в мобилизацию начале июня, в следующий понедельник, когда мы требуем, чтобы правительство Кубы:

- Освобождение политических заключенных на Кубе

- Снять запрет предотвращения кубинцев на въезд в страну и покидать свою страну

- Отмена запрета на доступ в интернет для кубинцев


Wir rufen alle Personen und Institutionen, die Verteidigung der Bürgerrechte in der Welt, einen Beitrag zur Mobilisierung von Anfang Juni, am kommenden Montag, wenn wir fordern, dass die kubanische Regierung auf:

- Freilassung der politischen Gefangenen in Kuba

- Aufhebung des Verbots zu verhindern Kubaner zu betreten und verlassen ihr Land

- Aufhebung der Verbote von Internet-Zugang für die Kubaner


Apelamos a todas as pessoas e instituições que defendem os direitos civis em todo o mundo para contribuir para a mobilização de início de junho, na próxima segunda-feira, quando exigimos que o governo cubano para:

- Libertação de presos políticos em Cuba

- Levantar a proibição impedir cubanos de entrar e sair do seu país

- Levantamento da proibição de acesso à Internet para os cubanos


Καλούμε όλα τα πρόσωπα και θεσμούς που υπερασπίζονται τα δικαιώματα των πολιτών του κόσμου να συμβάλουν στην κινητοποίηση των αρχές Ιουνίου, την ερχόμενη Δευτέρα, όπου ζητούμε από την κουβανική κυβέρνηση να:

- Απελευθέρωση των πολιτικών κρατουμένων στην Κούβα

- Άρση της απαγόρευσης πρόληψη Κουβανούς να εισέλθουν και να εγκαταλείψουν τη χώρα τους

- Άρση της απαγόρευσης για την πρόσβαση στο Διαδίκτυο για Κουβανούς


Demanem a totes les persones i institucions defensores dels drets civils en el món que contribueixin a la mobilització del Primer de juny, dilluns vinent, on exigim al govern cubà a:

- Alliberar els presos polítics a Cuba

- Aixecar les prohibicions que impedeixen als cubans entrar i sortir del seu país

- Aixecar les prohibicions d'accés a Internet per als cubans

Friday, May 29, 2009

10 Ways To Prevent a Heart Attack

Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States. For people over 65 years of age, the risk is even greater: eight out of ten people who die of heart disease are 65 or older. Although these statistics sound dire, take heart: With these strategies, you can help reduce the risk.

1. Know the early warning signs and seek treatment right away.

Some typical symptoms of a heart attack include:
Chest pain (angina)
Shortness of breath
Palpitations (skipped beats or a racing or pounding heart)
Leg swelling
Bluish skin color (cyanosis)
A prolonged, unexplained cough
Coughing up blood
Persistent fatigue or feeling unwell
Passing out

But sometimes the symptoms aren’t so obvious. The pain of a heart attack may feel like really bad heartburn or even the flu. And the symptoms of a second heart attack may not be the same as those for the first. If you or your parent has already had a heart attack, don’t hesitate to seek emergency medical treatment at the first sign of possible trouble.

2. Talk to the doctor about medications that might increase risk.
Hormone replacement therapy, rosiglitazone (for diabetes), and COX-2 inhibitors (for controlling arthritis pain) are all examples of medications that may increase the risk of heart attack. Review medications with the doctor and ask if there are less risky alternatives.

3. Control blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack. If there has been a diagnoses of prehypertension (120/80 mm Hg to 139/89 mm Hg) or hypertension (140/90 mm Hg or higher), blood pressure should be treated. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications, but blood pressure needs regular monitoring. Although it can be a bit tricky to use, an inexpensive manual cuff (starting at about $12 at your local drugstore) is a great way to monitor blood pressure at home. But if you can’t get the hang of it, you may want to consider investing in a blood pressure machine. The machine is a bit more expensive (between $70 and $150); it’s also available at your local drugstore.

4. Keep “bad” cholesterol levels low.
Another major risk factors for heart attack is a high bloodstream level of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. Ideally, total cholesterol should be no more than 200 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter), and no more than five times the level of HDL or “good” cholesterol; LDL levels should be below 70 mg/dL. Make sure cholesterol levels are checked regularly and treated if necessary. Following a low-fat diet and exercising regularly may help, but it might not be enough. If cholesterol levels don’t respond to lifestyle changes, the doctor may prescribe medication.

5. Make sure diabetes is under control.
Three out of four people with diabetes will die of some type of heart or blood vessel disease. But by keeping blood sugar under control and taking any recommended medications, a diabetic can reduce his risk.

6. Follow a heart-healthy diet.
The American Heart Association offers specific dietary guidelines for reducing the risk of heart attack. The best bet is a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, lean meats, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products.You should limit intake of fat (total fat between 25 and 35 percent of daily calories, saturated fat less than 7 percent, and trans fat less than 1 percent), cholesterol (less than 200 milligrams per day if LDL levels are high, less than 300 milligrams per day if they aren’t), and sodium (less than 1,500 milligrams per day for high blood pressure, less than 2,300 milligrams per day otherwise). Women should consume no more than one alcoholic beverage per day, men no more than two. And you should eat 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber every day.

7. Regular exercise.
Exercise is essential for general cardiovascular health and is key to preventing a heart attack. But how much exercise is enough? The Centers for Disease Control and the American Heart Association recommend accumulating at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity at least five days a week on most days. This doesn’t mean you need to do half an hour of aerobics five days a week; instead, you can use short bursts of activity throughout the day. Just parking farther away from the store and walking the extra distance, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can quickly add up. But before you begin any exercise program, be sure to talk to the doctor about any restrictions.

8. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Being overweight or obese is a major risk factor for heart disease. The best way to determine whether you are overweight or obese is to calculate your body mass index, or BMI. You can calculate their BMI at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website. People with a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 are considered overweight; people with a BMI of 30.0 or greater are considered obese. If you meet either of these criteria, talk to the doctor about setting safe weight-loss goals. The best way to lose weight is by limiting calories and increasing activity, but if that approach is unsuccessful, counseling or even medical intervention may be necessary.

9. Stop smoking.
Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for heart attack. If you smoke, quitting can reduce the risk of heart attack by 50 percent or more. But recognize that stopping smoking isn’t easy. If your parents or loved ones are smoking, here are a few ways to help them stop:

• Ask your parents what they think would make it easier for them. They may have suggestions you haven’t thought of.
• Encourage them to talk about their feelings and what they’re going through. Smoking may be a comforting lifelong habit; let them mourn a little.
• You may be tempted to nag or yell if they slip up, but it’s more effective to remind them that you love them no matter what. Be positive and encouraging — and vent your frustration to a friend instead.
• Help them avoid situations that trigger the desire for a smoke. If they’re used to enjoying a cigarette after meals, try going for a short walk outside instead.
• Be understanding as they go through withdrawal symptoms. Try not to take it personally if they’re especially irritable, short-tempered, and tired.
• If your parents find it too difficult to quit on their own, talk to their doctor. Nicotine replacement therapy, support groups, and counseling may all be helpful.

10. Manage stress and depression.
Emotional and psychological state can have a very real effect on physical health. An important aspect of maintaining good cardiovascular health and avoiding heart attack is minimizing stress, anger, and depression. For an elder, if he lives alone, he may feel disconnected and alone. For parents, even if they still have each other, sitting around the house can lead to boredom and unhappiness. Help your parents get out, make new friends, or simply engage in stimulating activities. Your local church or community center is an excellent place to connect with other seniors.

Try these stress-busting strategies:
• Cut back on caffeinated beverages and alcohol.
• Try meditation or yoga.
• Play relaxing music.
• Go for a walk outdoors.
• For parents, if you’ve tried everything and still feel concerned about their mood, talk to his doctor. Depression is a serious but treatable illness.

Source : by Mel, selected from

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Perito Moreno Glacier

A few times during my travels I am overwhelmed by what I find. Even though I know where I am going and what I am going to see, I find myself not prepared for what I encounter. During my recent travels to Argentina I found myself in this situation when I first arrived at the Perito Moreno Glacier near the city of Calafate. I have seen glaciers previously in Iceland, Alaska, Mongolia and Chile but not of the magnitude and scenery of this one. It is located at the Glaciers National Park where there are other glaciers but Perito Moreno is the master. It is about 3 miles wide and the ice walls about 200 feet high. The ice mass advances about 6 feet per day and is one of the few glaciers that is still advancing; it has not been told about the green house effect yet. I took a boat tour and got real close to the ice wall but at a safe distance. The walls are shedding blocks of ice continuously and when they fall into the water, create great waves and noise. The noise sounds as the crack of a high powered rifle but by the time you hear it, the block of ice is already fallen. One is able to photograph the splash and waves created by the fallen block of ice but it is very difficult to capture one falling.

This photo was taken from the boat and gives a good perspective of the ice wall height and its blue color. But there is no image that can capture all the hue of blues visible to the eye. In some areas the ice seem fluorescent.
I mentioned the intense sounds before but these are heard very frequent also due to the moving ice blocks. There were hikers over the glacier but they do not get into areas as the ones to the right. I would be really wonderful to get inside of those spaces in between the spikes of blue ice.

This image shows a narrow area between the glacier and a point of land of the Peninsula de Magallanes. At times the glacier grows an blocks the southern branch of the Lago Argentino. This does not happens every year but when it does, thousands of tourists arrive to see the collapse of the bridge due to the pressure of the water rising in the bloked lake. This view is from the southern branch of the Lago Argentino looking north.

This view gives a panoramic view of the whole glacier and the mountains are to the West. You can see the tree leaves changing into red and yellows since I was there in the fall. The seasons are reversed from the northen to the southern hemispheres.
The park has a brand new system of elevated metal trails that provide for easy walking and great views. These trails lead to various vantage points to just observe the spectacle, watch for birds or hunting for the opportunity to see the glacier calving.

This image was taken with a 16 mm lens set at a 45 degrees angle to get the diagonal of a full frame digital camera. Then I Photoshop it and cropped it to get the widest dimension cutting off the corners. No image of this place can really capture its magnificence.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Higher education it's mean more opportunities to get your dream

We believe that getting an education is the best investment you can make, By getting higher education is important. One important answer is more opportunity to find a better job. But to get a high education it's mean you have to spend more money, it will don't be a problem if you or your parent have money for your education, but there are many people that do not have money to get their education.

if our are one who doesn't have enogh money to get a higher education such as to go to the collage you can try to get collage loans from NextStudent. this site aimed is helping student and college who get money problem in their education. They offer many products for parents or any adult who fund their children who are still in school or college or to their continuing education with low interest rates, instant loan decisions, no loan limits, lower monthly payment and flexible repayment. For example is a Private Student Loans, it is the alternative students loan to finance the cost of education and flexible supplement to your financial aid package.

So if you want to get a higher education but you have a problem with money, you can try visit NextStudent and i hope it will help you to reach your dream by having a higher education.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009



1 J. Button Brawn GP Formula One Team
2 R. Barrichello Brawn GP Formula One Team
3 K. Raikkonen Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
4 F. Massa Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
5 M. Webber Red Bull Racing
6 N. Rosberg AT&T Williams
7 F. Alonso ING Renault F1 Team
8 S. Bourdais Scuderia Toro Rosso
9 G. Fisichella Force India F1 Team
10 T. Glock Panasonic Toyota Racing
11 N. Heidfeld BMW Sauber F1 Team
12 L. Hamilton Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
13 J. Trulli Panasonic Toyota Racing
14 A. Sutil Force India F1 Team
15 K. Nakajima AT&T Williams

Not Classified
2 H. Kovalainen Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
5 R. Kubica BMW Sauber F1 Team
15 S. Vettel Red Bull Racing
8 N. Piquet ING Renault F1 Team
12 S. Buemi Scuderia Toro Rosso

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

No More Shows Until September

Well this is it until September. Today I picked up my paintings from the Pomona Valley Art Association. I was pleasantly surprised with a little award.

It was a very beautiful show this year. It just keeps getting better every year and I look forward to next year's competition.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Social Networking on Internet

These day many social network site grow up. There is new social networking, it is Acobay. Acobay is a brand new and unique social network site. I found out this growing Social Community Networking site by recommended my friend. Just like others community, you can stay connected with your friends.

At Acobay, people share their hobbies and get connected with each other by their interest such as movies they love, books they read, pets they have, and so on. Acobay, is an innovation network sites not only help you connect with people from all over the world, but you can also learn about the product, the most popular available today. Not only that, Acobay give me more choice. I can promote my own blog by sharing at Acobay. So my traffic here being increase with Acobay. Because more stuff I share, the more people I connect and the better Acobay works for me! Thanks Acobay!

For register, it's vey simple. Just put your email, your first name, and other additional, like your favorite movies, books and many more. In acobay, you can see the many network categories that you love. Like, music network. In there, you can found many group music, pop, rock, r n b, hip hop and many more. So, you can stay up to date with your favorite band.

Let’s us build our network together and I hope to see you at Acobay.

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Monday, May 18, 2009



1. Jorge LORENZO SPA Fiat Yamaha Team
2. Marco MELANDRI ITA Hayate Racing Team
3. Dani PEDROSA SPA Repsol Honda Team
4. Andrea DOVIZIOSO ITA Repsol Honda Team
5. Casey STONER AUS Ducati Marlboro Team
6. Chris VERMEULEN AUS Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
7. Colin EDWARDS USA Monster Yamaha Tech 3
8. Loris CAPIROSSI ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
9. James TOSELAND GBR Monster Yamaha Tech 3
10. Toni ELIAS SPA San Carlo Honda Gresini
11. Alex DE ANGELIS RSM San Carlo Honda Gresini
12. Nicky HAYDEN USA Ducati Marlboro Team
13. Yuki TAKAHASHI JPN Scot Racing Team MotoGP
14. Randy DE PUNIET FRA LCR Honda MotoGP
15. Niccolo CANEPA ITA Pramac Racing
16. Valentino ROSSI ITA Fiat Yamaha Team

Not classified
36 Mika KALLIO FIN Pramac Racing

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Birds from the End of the World Part Two.

The dolphin gull with the red bill was the first bird that I shot as soon as I got out of the plane in Ushuaia, the most uncooperative one, he was sitting on a rock in the shore line and as I turned around to get a profile of him, he will turn too.

In the previous blog, I mentioned the kelp goose, this is the male one, all beautiful white; maybe great camouflage for the snow but why is he white all year round? There also some all white seagulls that looked as pidgeons, I was not able to get a
decent image of them to post.

The Southern Lapwing is the most beautiful bird that I was able to photograph in Ushuaia. Some were some congregated in small groups along the shoreline or just by themselves resting with one leg under a wing. Since it was the beginning of the winter there, I assume that they were starting to migrate up north. Here in the northern hemisphere we refer to the birds going south; as the seasons are reversed, the patterns of migration are also reversed.
This is an image of the same species of plover but this one was in the field picking up insects among the grass. Both were very nervous of my presence and watched all my movements.

Moving a bit north and closer to Buenos Aires the birds begin to look more like those in the south of the United States. This a croaking ground dove and is very abundant and always in pairs. I did not hear them calling.

And the story again repeats itself, no doubt it looks like one of our mockingbirds and their behavior is similar and very common in urban areas. It also reminds me of the mockingbirds in the Galapagos Islands. There these birds are so tame that will come and sit on your hat or camera tripod.

This monk parakeet I photographed in one of the numerous parks in the city of Buenos Aires. I assumed that this species was introduced just as the house sparrows and starlings were here in the United Statesbut they are endemic do Argentina. They are numerous and fly in large flocks when they decide to move from an area with a loud cacophony of calls. They were really very entertaining and will feed on anything they can get.

These plush-crested jays are related to our blue jays and exhibit very similar behavior been aggressive and very vocal. Very tame and unafraid of humans an if you have some bread or nuts will eat out of your hands. They hang around in large groups. They seem to come out of nowhere and disappear again in unison.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Birds from the End of the World Part One.

Ushuia at the southern most tip of Argentina is the closest city to the Antarctic continent. I spent a few days there of rain, snow, ice and cold with a few rays of sun. Photographing was trying due to many factors including lack of light so I was shooting mostly at ISO 400 and shutter speeds between 1/50 to 1/125 with a zoom lens at 400 mm which has an aperture of f 5.6. I was fortunate to get a few shots of birds that I have never seen before. So I will not elaborate much as to their identification. This kingfisher I photographed at the national park near Ushuaia. This bird was very tame for a kingfisher, I was able to approach him within 30 feet. and he just dived from the branch into the lake below catching small fishes. I did get a few shots with a life fish in the bill but due to the low light they were blurred.

There are a few geese that are unique to this area and the one to the right is the flightless steamerduck, notice the size of the wings. These were relatively tame and easy to approach and as usual the male was the better looking of the two.

This goose is very common in the area and reminds me of a barnacle goose but is bigger and brownish in color. It is know as the kelp goose. This a female, the male is totally white and they are usually found together.

I am sure that you have seen
caracaras all have seen caracaras, these are really opportunistics and feed in anything they can get. Very colorful birds and probably the most abundant in this area.) Although they are supposed to be tropical birds' no one told them.

I will stop at this time and continue soon with more images of the wildlife of the area.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



1. J. Button Brawn GP Formula One Team
2. R. Barrichello Brawn GP Formula One Team
3. M. Webber Red Bull Racing
4. S. Vettel Red Bull Racing
5. F. Alonso ING Renault F1 Team
6. F. Massa Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
7. N. Heidfeld BMW Sauber F1 Team
8. N. Rosberg AT&T Williams
9. L. Hamilton Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
10. T. Glock Panasonic Toyota Racing
11. R. Kubica BMW Sauber F1 Team
12. N. Piquet ING Renault F1 Team
13. K. Nakajima AT&T Williams
14. G. Fisichella Force India F1 Team

Non-Classified Cars
4 K. Raikkonen Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
2 H. Kovalainen Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
9 J. Trulli Panasonic Toyota Racing
12 S. Buemi Scuderia Toro Rosso
11 S. Bourdais Scuderia Toro Rosso
20 A. Sutil Force India F1 Team

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Take Care of Your Pets

Owning a pet can be so much fun. They rely on us for everything. And we should take good care of them. It is our responsibility when getting a pet to take the best care of them that we can. Whether you have a dog, cat or another kind of
pet it is up to you to make sure it has everything that it needs and that it is kept in a clean loving environment.
here we can find any needs for our pet:
1. dog needs
2. cat needs
3. small pets needs
4. Bird needs
and for others pet you can try to find your pet needs by searching at shopwiki.

We want the best for our pets and hope to have them around for a long time. We look at out pets as being a part of our family. Here are a few tips that can make having a pet more pleasurable for you and your family.

First when getting a pet make sure that you really want the pet and that you will be able to care for the pet properly. So many people get a pet and then when the new wears off they are not interested in the pet anymore. And this is sad. So make sure that you want to own a pet before you go out looking for one. Decide if you want a house pet or if you want to keep your pet outdoors. This will help you in choosing a pet and what kind of pet to get. If it is a outdoor pet make sure it has a good sturdy warm house to sleep in and good bedding inside. If it is a indoor pet get a good comfortable pet bed for it and when you are not home if you don't want your pet running loose in your home make sure to buy a pet cage for when your not there. Make sure your animal has clean bedding. And that your pet is vaccinated and is up to date on its shots. And make sure that your pet is fine with regular vet appointments. Your pet will need to have its exercise. So let them out to run or walk them on a regular basis. If you pet is outdoors alot you may want to invest in a fence to go around your yard so your pet can run freely and not get out of your yard.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

10 Ways to Design a Good Web Site

In a previous post, I outlined ways to find the right Web-hosting service for your Web site. Assuming you’ve secured one, the next step is to physically create your site. A critical part of this process involves deciding how you want your Web site to look. Because I deal in words, not visuals, I asked my former colleague Sean Brown to offer some design dos and don’ts. Mr. Brown is an interaction design director at Condé Nast Digital and oversees the layout of the company’s and Web sites.

You should never assume the user understands your model or the goal behind your Web site. This means that you should know the purpose behind your site so that you can effectively relay it to the reader. A commercial Web site may have different needs — an online shopping cart, for example — from a personal one.

Assuming you are still reading this post, remember also that attention spans are short, all the more so online where leaving a Web site is just a mouse click away. This means you should never make the reader work to understand your Web site. Make sure that your navigation bar is both visible and clearly labeled. Any hyperlinks should also be clearly distinguishable from normal text, as should any visited versus nonaccessed links. Do not use hard-to-read or tiny fonts — Arial and Helvetica are generally good bets. Animated GIF files should also be kept to a minimum. Also make sure to include a smart search box.

Whether your Web site is for professional or personal use, you should design it with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. It’s better to use Web-safe fonts, for example, over graphic heavy text.

Look at Web sites you like. Almost all sites have a core layout. Find a template you like and use it as your springboard.

Test your site in advance of its launch and regularly thereafter, even if you plan on updating it only infrequently. Make sure your site works on different browsers — especially Internet Explorer and Firefox — as well as across different fonts and screen resolutions. Broken links not only prevent a visitor from getting access to their desired information, but also present you in a less-than-flattering online light.

Or for that matter color or graphics drunk. When choosing your color palette, a minimalist approach is best. This is not to say you should avoid all design effects like drop shadows, only that you should ideally use them to communicate your goal and not just because you can.

Some Web sites have a policy of no white space, also known as the blank space between text or other graphics. Here’s why yours shouldn’t. If used well, white space can help direct a reader’s eye to specific information you want highlighted. White space can also cut down on clutter and create invisible boundaries across texts. A no-white-space policy may result in a disorienting reader-based experience.

Your Web site should load quickly. Don’t make the user follow along with a load box. If you insist on having music with your site, give the user the option to mute it. On the home page and elsewhere, keep pop-ups, banner ads and other ad-like content to a minimum, if not nonexistent. If you’re a Firefox user, you might try the Yslow add-on (, which analyzes the speed of your page. Another useful add-on is Firebug (

In other words, keep the look of your Web site consistent throughout. If your logo is on the upper left hand side of your Web site, for example, keep it there across all pages. Also make sure to have a tab on every page that lets users link back to the home page. If the reader has to rely on the browser’s back button to navigate around, you didn’t do your job. As a test, ask yourself if you’d be able to navigate your site if it were written in another language. Facebook keeps its layout the same irrespective of language so that even though I don’t speak Afrikaans, I can still get around Facebook’s Afrikaans language site.

Make sure your home page is clean and not overrun with links. The goal is to provide the reader with enough information to enter your site, not to scare them away.

Content is ultimately king. Good Web design highlights the content and adds to it without detracting from the Web site’s goal. Still, good design alone doesn’t cut it. Text matters, so keep your paragraphs informative but short. Simply put, seek out the fluff and cut it.

What are your design rules when it comes to Web sites? Which sites do you think are really good (or bad examples) of Web design? Please add your two cents in the comments below.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Protect Your House With Home Security System

The circumstances at this time is enough to make us worry when we leave the our house while we are traveling. there are some calamities can happen at home, that is theft, reclination, fire, and more crime that can you void with make home security systems and it all depends on the details of your home as to what sort of system would be most effective and best for you.

There are many benefits for installing home security systems, the primary benefit of an ADT monitored home security system is making your house safer. Your ADT monitored home security system is always active, and 4 interconnected monitoring centers are ready to respond quickly to any emergency, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The other advantages of using ADT security system are it will protect us from theft and robbery. The system will monitory every one who stand around our house. An ADT monitored home security system yard sign or decal can deter burglars before they even attempt to enter your home. It is really perfect high technology home security system. It completes our one of the basic needs in life, safe and comfortable living.

Present moment, there are many companies that offered home security, but you need to look at the credibility from provider home security. Before buying when you are looking for good monitoring equipment, there are a few things you need to consider and one very important matter of choosing a monitoring equipment home security systems is Fast Response, When an alarm in your home is activated, ADT can immediately call the authorities in your area so they can send the proper emergency services to your home.

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Name Chosen for my Dog! Mi Perrita Tiene Nombre

I want to thank everyone who had name suggestions for my new dog. After careful consideration I picked one of the names suggested by my neighbor Rocio, who came up with Gigi and Havana.

Her name will be "Havana". One because she answers to it and second, because she looks so much like the fluffy little dogs, "The Havanese or Bichon, I remember from back in Havana.


Muchas gracias a todos los que sugirieron nombres para mi perrita. Después de cuidadosa consideración, he decidido ponerle uno de los nombres sugeridos por mi vecina, Roció, quien pensó en Gigi y Havana.

La perrita se llamara "Havana". Primero porque responde a dicho nombre y segundo por que se parece mucho a los perritos peludos, "Bichon Habanero", que recuerdo se veían en la Havana.


Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui ont proposé des noms pour mon chien. Après mûre réflexion, j'ai décidé de mettre un nom suggéré par mon voisin, Rocío, qui ont pensé de Gigi et La Havane.

Le chien a été nommé «Havana». Parce qu'il répond à la première et la deuxième le nom qui ressemble à une fourrure de chiens, Bichon Habanero ", je me souviens ont été à la Havane.


La ringrazio molto per tutti coloro che hanno suggerito i nomi per il mio cane. Dopo un attento esame, ho deciso di mettere un nome suggerito dal mio prossimo, Rocio, che hanno pensato di Gigi e L'Avana.

Il cane è stato nominato "Havana". Dato che la risposta a tale primo e secondo nome che appare come una pelliccia di cani, Bichon Habanero, "mi ricordo sono stati a L'Avana.


Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για όλα τα ονόματα που προτείνονται για τον σκύλο μου. Μετά από προσεκτική εξέταση, αποφάσισα να θέσω ένα όνομα που προτείνεται από το γείτονά μου, Rocío, που σκέφτηκε και Gigi Αβάνα.

Ο σκύλος ήταν το όνομα "Αβάνα." Διότι αυτό που ανταποκρίνεται στο πρώτο και το δεύτερο όνομα που μοιάζει με γούνινος σκύλους, Bichon Habanero, "Θυμάμαι ήταν στην Αβάνα.


बहुत सारे जो मेरे कुत्ते के लिए नामों का सुझाव बहुत धन्यवाद. सावधानी से विचार के बाद, मैं एक का नाम रखा करने के लिए जो Gigi और हवाना के बारे में सोचा मेरे पड़ोसी, Roció द्वारा सुझाए गए निर्णय लिया.

यह कुत्ता "हवाना नाम दिया गया था." क्योंकि यह है कि पहले और दूसरे का नाम करने के लिए कि एक पोस्तीन कुत्ते की तरह दिखता है, Bichon Habanero, "मुझे याद है हवाना में थे जवाब.


Vielen Dank an alle, die vorgeschlagenen Namen für meinen Hund. Nach sorgfältiger Prüfung entschied ich mich, um einen Namen vorgeschlagen, von meinem Nachbarn, Rocio, die Gedanken von Gigi und Havanna.

Der Hund wurde dem Namen "Havanna". Weil es die Antwort auf dieses erste und der zweite Name, der wie ein pelziges Hunde, Bichon Habanero, "Ich erinnere mich, wurden in Havanna.


شكرا جزيلا لجميع الذين واقترحت أسماء لبلادي الكلب. وبعد دراسة متأنية ، قررت وضع الاسم الذي اقترحه جاري ، Rocío الذي فكر جيجي وهافانا.

الكلب اسم "هافانا". لأنه يستجيب لذلك الاسم الأول والثاني أنه يشبه شعري الكلاب Bichon Habanero "اتذكر في هافانا.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Efficiency

New applications or enhancements to existing ones can provide big efficiency benefits, but there are also many simple tweaks, unsung tips, and new ways to think about the tools that you already use that can help you work better. In this post, I’ll share five ways that can help you accomplish more and experience less hassle. You can take advantage of many of these tips in minutes.

Double Up On Monitors. We’ve covered the efficiency benefits of using dual monitors before. While some users like sitting in front of one giant monitor these days, for the same cost you can buy two (or more) reasonably priced monitors, put them side-by-side on your desktop, and use the displays as one fluid desktop. I recently switched to this kind of setup, and I’ll never go back. The time I save simply loading web pages and applications is substantial, and it’s also just easier to work this way. Windows XP and Vista both offer dual-monitor support out of the box, as does Mac OS X. Give it a go if you haven’t tried it.

Flex Your Mouse Muscle. Some of the most surprised comments I’ve ever gotten for any post on this blog came in response to a post called, “Nine Ways to Make Your Mouse Roar.” I made the point there that you may well spend more time with your mouse each day than you do with any person, and yet, a lot of people install a mouse without ever consulting the documentation and finding out what it’s capable of. Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? If so, in any tabbed browser, just click your scroll wheel while hovering over a link on the web to open it in a new tab. Or try this: In the middle of a web page you’re looking at, click once on your scroll wheel. Your cursor should change shape. Moving up and down with the mouse will let you scroll the page, and do speed scrolling. If your eyes are tired, hold your Ctrl key down and lightly push your scroll wheel up a few notches. The size of the text on the page you’re looking at will increase, and you can hold Ctrl and scroll back down to return it to normal size. There are many more of these tips in the original post.

Become a Word Power User. There are plenty of nifty ways to squeeze more productivity from Microsoft Word and make it easier to use. For example, if you need to leave a document but want to have your cursor sitting right where you left it in the middle of an editing session when you return, you don’t have to leave your document open. Go ahead and close it. When you reopen it to resume editing, hit Shift+F5 to take your cursor back to precisely where you left it. Do you have multiple Word documents open and need to take a break? To rapidly save all open documents, hold down the Shift key and go to Word’s “File” menu. The usual “Save” menu choice will show up as “Save All.” There are many more of these tips in the posts above. Check out this post and this one for more essential efficiency tips.

Get More Out of Outlook. While it’s almost nobody’s favorite email application, many of us must use Microsoft Outlook for work. If you do, you’ll find eight good efficiency tips for it in this post. For example: Do you often forget to respond to important Outlook messages? To set a reminder — visible in your Inbox — to act on or reply to any message, right-click on the message you want to set the reminder for, select Follow Up, and choose your Due By time and date. When you click OK, the message will be flagged for you to remember to respond to it.

Reboot Your Wi-Fi. In this recent post, I described how important it is to do a regular, cycled reboot on your home Wi-Fi setup. I also described how the combination of the cycled reboot and changing Wi-Fi channels can eliminate dropped signals and other common problems. Several readers provided comments with Wi-Fi efficiency tips of their own, including free, open-source firmware applications that can give you much more control over your Wi-Fi router, and better performance through boosted signals. Many of us are very dependent on Wi-Fi all day, so look into how a few simple tips can help you be more wirelessly efficient.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Anaconda" is the latest idea to harness the power of the seas

A new wave energy device known as "Anaconda" is the latest idea to harness the power of the seas.

Its inventors claim the key to its success lies in its simplicity: Anaconda is little more than a length of rubber tubing filled with water.

Waves in the water create bulges along the tubing that travel along its length gathering energy.

At the end of the tube, the surge of energy drives a turbine and generates electricity.

The device is being developed by Checkmate Seaenergy Ltd, which has been testing a small-scale 8m-long prototype in a wave tank owned by the science and technology company Qinetiq.

Paul Auston, chairman of Checkmate, says the tests have proved the concept works.

The company is now looking to raise £7m from investors to build a larger version to test at sea.

"We've seen excellent results in scale-model testing, and now we are gearing up to attract the necessary investment to develop Anaconda and begin producing the first full-sized units for ocean testing within the next three years," he told BBC News.

"The UK is known for its engineering excellence and politicians from all parties have been keen to challenge companies to come up with renewable energy projects that can be sold around the world.

"With Anaconda, we have an invention that changes conventional thinking and it can help to meet government targets for cutting CO2 by providing renewable wave energy from our coastal waters.

"It will also help cement the UK's world-leading position in this technology."

The co-inventor of the device, Professor Rod Rainey of engineering design consultants Atkins, has been working in the field for several decades.

He said: "The beauty of wave energy is its consistency. However, the problem holding back wave energy machines is that devices tend to deteriorate over time in the harsh marine environment.

"Anaconda is non-mechanical. It is mainly rubber, a natural material with a natural resilience, and so has very few moving parts to maintain."

The long-term plan is to have hundreds of these devices offshore where waves are big, in northern Scotland for example.

Other potential locations would be on western seaboards - off the coast of America, Australia, Ireland and Japan, to name a few.

It is claimed that a group of 50 full-size Anacondas - each 200m long - could provide electricity for 50,000 homes.

Professor Godfrey Boyle, an expert in renewable energy at the Open University, said the device sounded quite promising.

If the required investment capital can be raised, the team "could be on to a winner", he said.

But he cautioned that the developers would need to achieve very long lifetimes for the device and the very high reliability required to withstand decades of battering by the waves - combined with low capital and maintenance costs and high-energy conversion efficiency.

Source: bbc

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Buy Drugs From Online Pharmacy

Healthy is very important for us, we have to maintain our health with eating nutritious food, doing exercise and keep our body clean. but we don't forget to provide drugs, so that when we are sick we have had the drug.

Now there is meds India an online pharmacy for people that do not have time to go to the pharmacy to buy drugs, we can buy the drugs from our office, home and others places to provide the drugs.

At this online pharmacy we can buy drugs for Allergies, Antibiotic anf many more. they don't only provide drugs but they also provide nutrition like Hair Growth, Blood Pressure/Heart and many more that you can see directly from their site.

The product from this online pharmacy are fulfilled by a licensed Indian pharmacy, and the manufacture are highly regulated. so you don't need to worry when eat products from this online pharmacy.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009



1. Valentino ROSSI ITA Fiat Yamaha Team
2. Dani PEDROSA SPA Repsol Honda Team
3. Casey STONER AUS Ducati Marlboro Team
4. Randy DE PUNIET FRA LCR Honda MotoGP
5. Marco MELANDRI ITA Hayate Racing Team
6. Loris CAPIROSSI ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
7. Colin EDWARDS USA Monster Yamaha Tech 3
8. Andrea DOVIZIOSO ITA Repsol Honda Team
9. Toni ELIAS SPA San Carlo Honda Gresini
10. Chris VERMEULEN AUS Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
11. Sete GIBERNAU SPA Grupo Francisco Hernando
12. Yuki TAKAHASHI JPN Scot Racing Team MotoGP
13. James TOSELAND GBR Monster Yamaha Tech 3
14. Alex DE ANGELIS RSM San Carlo Honda Gresini
15. Nicky HAYDEN USA Ducati Marlboro Team
16. Niccolo CANEPA ITA Pramac Racing

Not classified
99 Jorge LORENZO SPA Fiat Yamaha Team
36 Mika KALLIO FIN Pramac Racing

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